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It is neither.

Kurdistan is a term applied to regions of southeast Turkey, northeast Syria, northern Iraq, and northwest Iran in reference to the Kurdish ethnic majority who live on that land. The Kurds, by and large, want independence from their host nations and to create an independent republic on these majority Kurdish lands. The closest to this are the Iraqi and Syrian Kurdistans which have become de facto independent as a result of the Iraqi Civil War (between the government and ISIL) and the Syrian Civil War.

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Kurdistan is not a country, but rather a region that spans across parts of several countries including Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. It is home to the Kurdish people, who have a distinct culture and historical background.

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What is the largest city in kurdistan?

The largest city in Kurdistan is Erbil, located in the Iraqi Kurdistan region. It is also the capital of the Kurdistan Regional Government.

Which Kurdistan city is on the Tigris River?

The city of Mosul is located on the Tigris River in Kurdistan.

What is the Kurdistan zip code?

Kurdistan is a region that straddles four different countries and therefore has a multiplicity of zip codes. Please resubmit your question specifying which city in Kurdistan you are asking about for a possible answer.

Do you need a visa to live in England if your from kurdistan?

There is not a country called Kurdistan... So you can not be a citizen of a country which does not exist... Whatever nationality you are... u will need a visa unless you are a citizen of an EU country or US...!

What is the zip code of kurdistan?

Kurdistan is a region that straddles four different countries and therefore has a multiplicity of zip codes. Please resubmit your question specifying which city in Kurdistan you are asking about for a possible answer.

What country is Kurdistan located?

Kurdistan is not a country, but rather a region that spans parts of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. The idea of a unified Kurdistan as an independent nation has been a long-standing aspiration for the Kurdish people.

Where is Ranya city?

Ranya is a town located in sulaiman, Kurdistan

WHich are the biggest cities in kurdistan?

The largest cities in Iraqi Kurdistan are Erbil, Slemani, and Duhok. Erbil is the capital and largest city in the region. Sulaymaniyah (Slemani) and Duhok are also major cities in Iraqi Kurdistan.

Who is the president of Kurdistan?

Currently, Kurdistan is not a united country. As a result the different regions of Kurdistan are ruled differently. Only in Iraq do the Kurds have enough autonomy to have their own elected officials. Massoud Mustafa Barzani is the President of Iraqi Kurdistan.

Where is Indian embassy to Kurdistan in India?

Kurdistan is not an independent country and therefore does not maintain embassies. Additionally, the Indian embassy to Kurdistan would (in theory) be in Kurdistan, not in India. The Iraqi embassy to India (which represents Iraqi Kurdistan) is in New Delhi with the following address: L-1/2, Hauz Khas New Delhi - 110016 India

Is kurdistan a safe country?

Kurdistan is not a recognized country; it is an autonomous region spanning parts of Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and Syria. Safety can vary depending on the specific location within this region. It's advisable to check travel advisories and news updates to make an informed decision about visiting or living in Kurdistan.

Which city is the Arab capital of tourism 2014?

Erbil in kurdistan region of Iraq