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Country B may have shorter life expectancies. country A has more literate people. country A has better health care system. Apex

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You can assume that country A has higher levels of education, longer life expectancy, and higher standard of living compared to country B. Country A likely has better access to healthcare, education, and economic opportunities, leading to an overall higher quality of life for its residents.

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Q: If country a has a significantly higher human development index than country b what types of assumptions can you make?
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What does level of development mean?

The level of development refers to the economic, social, and technological progress of a country or region. It is often measured based on factors such as gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, access to education and healthcare, and overall standard of living. Countries with higher levels of development tend to have better infrastructure, higher living standards, and more advanced industries.

What country has a higher average elevation?

The country with the higher average elevation is Bhutan.

Which factor makes the largest difference in how much of a country's general population is connected to the Internet?

The level of economic development in a country has the largest impact on how much of the general population is connected to the internet. Countries with higher income levels tend to have greater internet penetration rates due to factors such as infrastructure development, affordability of technology, and access to education.

Is argentina an medc or ledc?

Argentina is considered a middle-income country, so it falls between being a more economically developed country (MEDC) and a less economically developed country (LEDC). Its economy is diversified with a mix of agriculture, industry, and services, giving it a higher level of development compared to many LEDCs.

What does a country's level of development mean?

A country's level of development refers to its overall economic, social, and technological progress. It is often measured using indicators such as GDP per capita, life expectancy, literacy rates, and infrastructure quality. Developed countries typically have higher levels of income, education, healthcare, and standards of living compared to developing countries.

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If a country is developed, it means that it has clean water, education, medication, and people will have a higher life expectancy.

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the difference between a developed and developing country is the latter has advanced technology , improvrd or modern infrastructure and a higher human development index

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Literacy rate is a measure of the level of development in a country- seen as education is pivotal in developing your country. Therefore, countries with a low literacy rate will be more likely to have higher death rates than those with higher literacy rates.

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We would need to know what economic system you mean to respond to this question.

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The more people can read and write the more people can get jobs and higher standared of living.

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What does level of development mean?

The level of development refers to the economic, social, and technological progress of a country or region. It is often measured based on factors such as gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, access to education and healthcare, and overall standard of living. Countries with higher levels of development tend to have better infrastructure, higher living standards, and more advanced industries.

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These measurements collectively are known as human development indicators. They are used to assess the overall well-being and standard of living of a population in a particular country.

What country has a higher average elevation?

The country with the higher average elevation is Bhutan.

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Which factor makes the largest difference in how much of a country's general population is connected to the Internet?

The level of economic development in a country has the largest impact on how much of the general population is connected to the internet. Countries with higher income levels tend to have greater internet penetration rates due to factors such as infrastructure development, affordability of technology, and access to education.