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gross domestic product

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 2mo ago

While a country ranked at the top of the Human Development Index (HDI) generally indicates high standards of living and well-being for its citizens, it may not necessarily have the best in every aspect, as other factors like income inequality or social issues can still exist. The HDI focuses on health, education, and standard of living, but other rankings or indices may highlight different aspects of a countryโ€™s performance.

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Q: If a country is at the top of the worlds Human Development Index rankings it probably will not have the world's best?
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If a country is at the top of the world human development Index rankings it will probably not have the worlds best what?

If a country is at the top of the Human Development Index rankings, it may not have the world's best economy, military strength, or infrastructure. The HDI measures factors like life expectancy, education, and standard of living, so countries that rank high on the HDI may prioritize these areas over others.

If a country is at the top of the worlds Human Development Index rankings it probably will not have the world?

gross domestic product

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