

Best Answer

A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing. A proper noun is always capitalized.

Example sentences with proper noun in bold:

  1. We took the riverboat Natchez tour of the Mississippi River.
  2. The Eiffel Tower was built to be a temporary attraction in Paris.
  3. I'm partial to buddy movies like 'Midnight Cowboy' and 'Thelma and Louise'.
  4. Queen Elizabeth I reigned for 45 years. Queen Elizabeth II has reigned for 60 years and counting.
  5. You decide, Burger King or Pizza Hut.
  6. Jackie and I are going to a movie.
  7. My senior class visited New York City.
  8. Mom surprised me with a Hershey bar in my lunch.
  9. I like Spongebob Squarepants for his perpetual cheerfulness.
  10. We can stop at KFC to pick up a treat for the team.
  11. My new neighbors are the Littles, Fran and Frank.
  12. The Great Lakes are a vast commercial waterway.
  13. Jackie grabbed the bag of Oreos and ran out to play.
  14. The Murphys have a new baby.
  15. The Colorado River cut a huge slice through the Colorado Plateau called the Grand Canyon.
  16. Polly want a cracker?
  17. John and I went to Miami Beach.
  18. The movie "Forrest Gump" starred Tom Hanks and Sally Field.
  19. Barack Obama is the President of the United States.
  20. They gave me a book of photos of the Great Barrier Reef.
  21. Italy is a favorite tourist destination.
  22. The bridge to get to Brooklyn is called the Brooklyn Bridge.
  23. Tootsie Pops taste good and are fun to eat.
  24. Mark and Mario went to McDonald's for lunch.
  25. John is the oldest in the family, but Paul is the tallest.
  26. Janice has a new puppy which she named Spot.
  27. One of my favorite authors is Charles Dickens.
  28. We visited South Americawhen we were college students.
  29. My first car was a Studebaker.
  30. The General Motorsheadquarters is located in Detroit, Michigan.
  31. Count Jacques Rogge of Austria is the President of the International Olympic Committee.
  32. He likes a Dr. Pepper with his lunch.
  33. Margaret always has a Diet Coke with her lunch.
  34. Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the United States.
  35. The Campbell's soup can was made famous by Andy Warhol.
  36. We start our trip on Monday.
  37. Jennifer has a role in the class presentation of 'My Fair Lady'.
  38. Hillary Clinton has served as First Lady and as US Secretary of State so far.
  39. Nelson Mandela won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.
  40. I've been to Orlando three times, but I've never been to Disney World.
  41. Springfield is the capital of Illinois, not Chicago.
  42. The young lady at Delltechnical support asked me if I would like to visit India.
  43. We have made plans to celebrate New Year's Day on January first.
  44. We can stop at McDonald's on our way to Macy's.
  45. Macu Piccu in Peru is one of the more mysterious places on Earth.
  46. The United States is bordered in the east by the Atlantic Ocean and in the west by the Pacific Ocean.
  47. The Giants beat the Tigers four to zero.
  48. Gerald Ford is the only US President that was not elected as president or vice president.
  49. We stopped at the Prairie Museum of Art and History on our trip through Kansas.
  50. What time does 'The Paperboy" start at the Century Summit?
  51. I was originally prescribed Zocor but it was changed to Lipitor.
  52. Do you prefer a Mac or Windows?
  53. The ambulance took her to Mercy Hospital emergency entrance.
  54. American Airlines and Susan G. Komen for the Cure are fundraising partners.
  55. I usually watch the weather forecast on Channel 10, but when I'm away from home, I watch the Weather Channel.
  56. Author Harper Lee published only one novel, 'To Kill a Mockingbird'.
  57. The last Ford Crown Victoria Interceptor police cruiser to be made was sold to the Kansas Highway Patrol. Ford has discontinued this model.
  58. My Blackberry is held together with Scotch tape.
  59. My mom was born in Irelandand my dad was born in Idaho.
  60. Did you see the little knit dresses that Old Navy and Kohl's are advertising?
  61. Potato Lake is adjacent to the Potato Creek State Wildlife Area. You can't miss it.
  62. Aunt Caroline has arrived in Florida. She sent a photo of herself on the beach.
  63. The Wells Fargo bank is on the corner of Washington Street, one block down.
  64. Some people think I'm strange, but I read 'Erewhon' by Samuel Butler at an impressionable age.
  65. Clive Christian's 'No.1 Imperial Majesty' perfume for women(50 ml.) can be purchased at Fortnum & Mason for only $1,045.
  66. We cuddled in the La-Z-Boyto watch 'Jeopardy'.
  67. My grandmother gave me her silver Tiffany bracelet.
  68. Here's a photo of me standing on Judy Garland's star near Hollywood and Vine Street.
  69. The first use of DNA to identify and convict a person was in Narborough, Leicestershire, UK in 1988.
  70. I finished the Cheerios but I think there's some Trix in the cupboard.
  71. Is that a Visa or Master Card?
  72. He took me to Peter Luger'sfor the best steak in town.
  73. I read 'The Heart is a Lonely Hunter' by Carson McCullersfrom Oprah's Book Clublist.
  74. I've read many consumer articles but I can't decide on an iPhone or an Android.
  75. To quote Porky Pig, 'That's all folks!'
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I can provide a few examples of proper nouns: New York City, Justin Bieber, Amazon, Harry Potter.

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