

Best Answer

Blue light

has the shortest


of the visible spectrum. The shorter the wavelength, the higher the resolution one can achieve with a

light microscope


The resolution using only blue light is about 4 times better than with using all the wavelengths of visible light.

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Q: Why would be it advantageous to use blue light with compound microscope?
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What type of microscope would be best to view a drop of pond water?

compound light microscope

What kind of microscope is found in most classrooms?

Optical, though to see smaller organelles and structures in higher resolution an electron microscope may be necessary.

Would you use the electron microscope or the compound microscope to look at cork?

---- You would use the light microscope. The electron microscope would be unnecessary in this situation, due to its high magnification levels.

Would you be able to look at a penny with a compound light microscope?

Yes, a compound light microscope would have enough magnification power to view a penny's surface details, such as scratches, imperfections, and the texture of the metal. However, it may not be able to observe its atomic structure, as that would require an electron microscope.

Would you an intact bone as a compound light microscope or dissecting scope?

A compound light microscope would be more suitable for viewing an intact bone due to its higher magnification capabilities and better image resolution compared to a dissecting scope. The compound light microscope allows for viewing fine details of the bone's structure at a cellular level.

What is the different between light microscope and compound light microscope?

Answersimple first one is: their both different in quality. For example, a light microscope would use sunlight as its source of power,and therefore less effective. Compound microscope use electricity as its source of power for the same usage, which would be stronger and better to see the details in the specimen.

What kind what microscopes would be better to see a virus. your options are compound light microscope Transmission Eltron Microscope Scanning Electron Microscope?

To see a virus, a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) or a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) would be better than a compound light microscope. TEM uses a beam of electrons to create an image with high resolution and can visualize viral structures inside cells. SEM provides detailed 3D images of virus surface morphology at a higher magnification than a compound light microscope.

What would allow less light to enter a compound microscope?

Turning the diaphragm will change how much light is let in.

Which microscope would be best use if you wanted to look at the life in a drop of pond water?

A compound light microscope would be best for viewing life in a drop of pond water. This type of microscope uses light to illuminate the specimen, allowing you to see organisms such as protozoa and algae present in the water. It provides good magnification and resolution for observing these small organisms.

Which type of microscope would you use to view a Euglena swimming in a pond?

You could use a compound light microscope or a stereomicroscope.

When viewed with a compound light microscope which letter would best illustrate the way in which the microscope inverts and reverses the image?

The letter "E" would best illustrate how a compound light microscope can invert and reverse the image. When viewed through the microscope, an object's left side appears as the right side and vice versa (reversed), and the object appears upside down (inverted).

What type of microscope aside from the compound light microscopemight you use to observe the organisms found in pond water?

A dissecting microscope - this is used for larger organisms.