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Weather forecasts.

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Q: Which of the phrases below is the general topic?
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Which statement is best described by the phrases in the box below?

reasons English settlers came to colonies in America

What does topic mean in science?

Topic in general means a 'theme' or 'a subject'. The word comes from the Greek and originally referred to 'a place', though that has broadened to include the 'place' in a general thought sense. Such as 'the topic for the debate'. In science the word would essentially be synonymous with 'subject'. Examples would include the general broad fields such as Geology, Physics, etc. Narrower topics would be magnetism, or measurements. (Strictly Metrology).

How do you write a topic sentence about a specific topic?

The topic sentence or thesis sentence is just the sentence which states your main idea. Usually, your teacher will assign a topic, and you just have to come up with a paragraph or essay about that. Write the topic on your paper. Now, make a list of everything you know about that topic - look things up in your textbook or using a search engine if you need to! You must decide which of these things is most interesting to you - your paper will be much easier if you write about something that you find interesting. That statement will be the topic of your writing; make it into a complete sentence with correct grammar and punctuation. You might try writing a question about the topic that you want to learn about or to explain - change the question into a statement and you have your topic sentence. ** see the related questions below **

What is a randomized clinical trial?

A randomized controlled trial (RCT) is a type of scientific most commonly used in testing the or of (such as or or (such as, or RCTs are also employed in other research areas, such as judicial, educational, and social research. As their name suggests, RCTs involve the allocation of different interventions (treatments or conditions) to As long as the, randomization is an effective method for balancing between treatment groups.

What is an example of a topic?

it is a subject of conversation or discussion - your speech should be confined to the topic agreed

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Which of the words below is the general topic that includes all of the other word answer?


Which of the words below is the general topic that includes all of the other words from the answer choices?


What is the name given to a group of words relating to a topic?

A group of words relating to a topic is called a phrase. A phrase functions as a single unit within a sentence, expressing a specific idea or concept. Examples include noun phrases, verb phrases, and prepositional phrases.

Definition of descriptive poetry?

Descriptive poetry is when you choose a topic (for ex. friend, world war2, an island or your mom)and you would use sentences or phrases describing that topic which would be at least 10 phrases.

Which kind of outline is usually brief and contains key words or phrases?

Topic outlines are usually brief in length. This type of outline contains keywords and phrases are usually expressed in parallel phrases.

Should one of the word phrases below could represent 4 divided by m?

I have no way to answer that, because I can't see any of the phrases below.

What does general topics mean?

a general topic i think

What is a shift in literature?

When there are shifts in the topic the speaker usually indicates them through phrases that prepare the listener for the shift.

Which man is described by the phrases in the box below?

William Mcltosh

What is a limited topic within a general topic that can be adequately covered within the length of a particular assignment?

A research topic! :)

Which historical event is described by the phrases in the box below?

Trail of Tears

Which of the phrases below is the best translation of ces crayons-lĂ ?

these pencils