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It is currently very easy to obtain. Local welding supply or gas supply companies offer hydrogen in T bottles. Almost all of the hydrogen currently available is stripped from natural gas, so the cost is fairly low.

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Q: When is hydrogen expected to be easily accessible to the general public?
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About 20 percent of electricity in the US is nuclear, slightly less in the UK, and about 75 percent in France. So it is being used all the time.

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Probably never. Most of the earth is too flat for good hydroelectric production. People tend to live on the flatter parts, for practical reasons. So for most folks, no hydroelectric.

When will natural gas easily accessible to the general public?

Natural gas is already widely accessible to the general public through pipelines that distribute it to homes and businesses for heating and cooking. As for vehicles, the availability of natural gas as a transportation fuel varies by region, with infrastructure development ongoing in some areas to make it more accessible.

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In an open area where it is easily accessible

What Hydrogen bonds are easily?

Hydrogen bonds are easily broken. Think of swimming through water.

Is hydrogen energy easily renewed?

Yes hydrogen can be easily renewed by separating it from water or extracting it from gasoline

What combines easily with hydrogen ions?

Hydroxide ions (OH-) combine easily with hydrogen ions (H+) to form water (H2O) in a neutralization reaction.