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Forensic scientists need to be trained in both law enforcement and in science. There are specialized degrees such as a criminal justice degree with a specialty in Biology or chemistry.

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Q: What type of degree do you need to be forensic scientist?
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What type of science does a forensic scientist use?

Biology, chemistry and drugs/ toxicology, I think!

Is it possible for a Molecular Biology student to become a forensic scientist?

Yes, molecular biology is a great major to have when you go in for forensics training. It really depends on the type of forensic scientist you want to become (eg. a biological forensic examiner would do well with a bio-based background).

What type of skills should a forensic scientist have or have learned?

Physics Chemistry Biology Maths ICT computing and Geography

What type of scientist studies dead bodies?

A forensic scientist, specifically a forensic pathologist, studies dead bodies to determine the cause and manner of death. They use various techniques like autopsies and toxicology analyses to provide insights for criminal investigations or to understand medical conditions.

What qualifications does someone need to become a forensic nurse?

To become a forensic nurse it is advised that you get a Masters degree or PhD in forensic nursing. However, to become a forensic nurse, a job must be available. Since the career path is far from common, in most cases, a job as some other type of nurse is usually needed. From there, employees typically make an arrangement with their superior and a position can, if needed, be made.

Forensic Science Degrees?

If you are a fan of crime dramas on television, these shows may have peaked your interest about careers in forensic science. For someone nearing high school graduation, it is never too early to start planning for your college education and a career. It’s also never too late for adults to go back to school and change their career. Forensic science is an extremely interesting field and it covers a multitude of different areas, each requiring a different direction when it comes to education. When opting for an education and career in forensic science, you need to decide whether you want to pursue the lab end or the investigative end because this will strongly influence the areas of study to pursue in college. Forensic Scientist The typical forensic scientist spends most of his or her time in a laboratory analyzing things like DNA, drug, and trace evidence. This requires an undergraduate degree in concentrations like chemistry, biology, microbiology, and even pre-med. After completing an undergraduate degree like this you may be ready for a job in a crime lab. However, a better option can be to continue your education with graduate school and get a Masters in Forensic Science degree (MSFS). This can make you much more competitive for the starting jobs Crime Scene Technician Another part of forensic science is the actual crime scene work. Generally, licensed police officers who are also trained to be a part of the crime scene unit are responsible for processing a crime scene. However, some police departments do employ civilians as crime scene technicians. Civilians doing this job are often criminal justice majors or may have a scientific education. This type of job is more difficult to find since each city sets up their crime scene unit differently. Other Forensic Areas There are other areas of forensic science that are attainable such as forensic psychology, anthropology, and pathology. Students need to complete their bachelors degree in the particular field and then go on for several years of graduate education. Education Requirements A B.S. in forensic science is essentially a degree in chemistry or biology, as mentioned above, but it will include classes that cover forensic applications and some criminal justice classes. Quite often, this type of degree will include the opportunity to intern in a forensic lab and even conduct research related to forensic science. If you are more interested in the investigative end or forensic science, a criminal justice degree with a concentration in forensic science courses will be more valuable to you.