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pitter patter / drip drop

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Q: What is the sound of rain called?
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What is sound made by the rain called?

The sound made by rain is called "rainfall" or "the sound of rain." It can also be described as "pitter-patter" or "drizzle."

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Does rain have a long or short a?

"Rain" has a long A sound. The letters "ai" are called a "diphthong." This means two vowels that join together to produce just one sound. Rain, pain, and train all have the diphthong "ai" and are all pronounced with the long A sound.

What does rain sound like on a tin roof?

Rain sound like putter patter

When you notice the soft sound of rain on the roof it has crossed a perceptual line called your threshold for detecting an auditory signal?

Yes, the soft sound of rain hitting the roof has likely crossed your threshold for detecting an auditory signal. This threshold refers to the minimum level of sound required for you to perceive it. In this case, the sound of the rain is enough to register in your awareness due to its intensity and familiarity.

What is the name of sound of rain?

The sound of rain hitting a surface is commonly referred to as "pitter-patter."

What is the word to express sound of rain?

The word to express the sound of rain is Pitter - patter.

Does came have the same vowel sound as rain?

No, "came" and "rain" do not have the same vowel sound. In "came," the vowel sound is the long "a" sound /eɪ/, whereas in "rain," the vowel sound is the diphthong "ai" /eɪ/.

What is a musical instrument that makes a falling water sound when turned upside down?

It's called a Rain-stick.

What is the favorite sound of Miley Cyrus?

rain sound

Does rain have the same vowel sound as pail?

No, "rain" and "pail" do not have the same vowel sound. "Rain" has the long vowel sound /eɪ/, while "pail" has the diphthong vowel sound /eɪ/.

Who sings the hook on Chamillionaire's Rain?

if you mean mixtape messiah 3s song called rain, its actually famous on the verse and chamillionaire on the chorus. if you mean sound of revenges rain, i cant help you with that look on wikipedia