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pitter patter / drip drop

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Q: What is the sound of rain called?
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What is sound made by the rain called?

The sound made by rain is called "rainfall" or "the sound of rain." It can also be described as "pitter-patter" or "drizzle."

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Does rain have a long or short a?

"Rain" has a long A sound. The letters "ai" are called a "diphthong." This means two vowels that join together to produce just one sound. Rain, pain, and train all have the diphthong "ai" and are all pronounced with the long A sound.

What does rain sound like on a tin roof?

Rain sound like putter patter

What is the name of sound of rain?

The sound of rain hitting a surface is commonly referred to as "pitter-patter."

What is the word to express sound of rain?

The word to express the sound of rain is Pitter - patter.

Does came have the same vowel sound as rain?

No, "came" and "rain" do not have the same vowel sound. In "came," the vowel sound is the long "a" sound /eɪ/, whereas in "rain," the vowel sound is the diphthong "ai" /eɪ/.

What is the favorite sound of Miley Cyrus?

rain sound

What is a musical instrument that makes a falling water sound when turned upside down?

It's called a Rain-stick.

Does rain have the same vowel sound as pail?

No, "rain" and "pail" do not have the same vowel sound. "Rain" has the long vowel sound /eɪ/, while "pail" has the diphthong vowel sound /eɪ/.

Does rain have the long vowel?

No, the word "rain" does not have a long vowel sound. The vowel 'a' in "rain" makes a short vowel sound similar to the 'a' in the word "cat."

Is rain long or short vowel?
