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Room temperature is different in every room so I cant tell you what it is but I can tell you how to find out! Take any thermometer or a tool that measures heat (in celsius for your matter) and take a cup of water. Let the water sit for an hour inside the room that you find out the room temperature. Then put your thermometer in it and see what it measures to :) 20 degrees celcius

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Q: What is the room temperature in Celsius?
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Room Temperature is 22o celsius :)

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In the United Kingdom room temperature is about 20 Celsius (68F).

What is a room temperature?

In the United Kingdom room temperature is about 20 Celsius (68F).

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25 degree celsius

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Copper is a solid at room temperature of 25 degrees Celsius.

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The normal room temperature in the Celcius system is 20o.

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Fluorine is a gas at room temperature (21 degrees Celsius).

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Mercury is a metal that is in a liquid state at room temperature (20 degrees Celsius).

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Nitrogen is a gas at room temperature and typically exists as N2 molecules, which do not have a specific temperature. However, the boiling point of nitrogen is -195.79 degrees Celsius, which means it would be a gas at room temperature around 20 degrees Celsius.

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If the room is 68 degrees Fahrenheit what is the temperature in celsius?

It is 20 deg Celsius.

Room temperature in celsius?

Room temperature depends on whatever temperature the room happens to be, but the generally accepted temperature for "room temperature" is roughly 70ºF, or about 21ºC. To calculate Celsius from Fahrenheit you subtract 32 from the degrees Fahrenheit, multiply this number by 5, and then divide that number by 9.