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Q: What is the ideal temp in a freezer in Fahrenheit?
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Is it safe to keep a freezer temp At 37?

The answer is no whether you mean Fahrenheit or Centigrade.

What is the temperature for cold items in Fahrenheit?

The ideal cold food temp is between 35 and 42 f

What is the correct temperature for cold items in Fahrenheit?

The correct temperature for cold items is generally around 32-40 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature range helps to keep perishable items safe to consume by slowing down the growth of bacteria and mold. It is important to check and monitor the temperature regularly to ensure food safety.

What is the temp in a refrigerator that is functioning properly?

Generally 2 to 8 °C (36 to 46 °F) is ideal for the refrigerator compartment and -18 °C (0 °F) for the freezer.

What temperature Fahrenheit should your freezer be?

Your freezer should be set to 0°Fahrenheit (-18°Celsius) to keep food frozen and safe for consumption.

How cold does a refrigerator get?

The average refrigerator ranges in temperature from 35 - 40 degrees Fahrenheit. There are wild differences due to surroundings,room temp., efficiency, humidity, and where your refrigerator is located, whether its in a cut out or surrounded by walls, or not. Other factors such as how often the refrigerator or the freezer is opened and closed and all the above factors also relate to the freezer since in most modern models difuse cold air from the freezer to the refrigerator. So in the short of it most models average temp is between 35 - 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the celsius temp if the temp is 85 Fahrenheit?

about 29.4444

How does refrigerator gets cold?

The average refrigerator ranges in temperature from 35 - 40 degrees Fahrenheit. There are wild differences due to surroundings,room temp., efficiency, humidity, and where your refrigerator is located, whether its in a cut out or surrounded by walls, or not. Other factors such as how often the refrigerator or the freezer is opened and closed and all the above factors also relate to the freezer since in most modern models difuse cold air from the freezer to the refrigerator. So in the short of it most models average temp is between 35 - 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is 90 degrees Fahrenheit room temp?

No that's pretty hot. Room temp for Fahrenheit is about 70 degrees

If your temp is 38.4 centigrade what is the Fahrenheit temp?

38.4ºC = 101.12ºF

If the temp is 32 degrees Fahrenheit what is the Celsius temp?
