

Best Answer

High G: 392 - 3135.96

F#: 369.99 - 2959.96

F: 349.23 - 2793.83

E: 329.63 - 2637.02

Eb: 311.13 - 2489.02

D: 293.66 - 2349.32

Db: 277.18 - 2217.46

C: 261.63 - 2093

B: 246.94 - 1975.53

Bb: 233.08 - 1864.66

A: 220 - 1760

Ab: 207.65 - 1661.22

G: 196 - 1567.98

Low F: 174.61 - 1396.91

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Q: What is the frequency range of a harmonica?
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The main difference between a harmonica in the key of A and a harmonica in the key of C is the pitch range they produce. A harmonica in the key of A is lower in pitch compared to a harmonica in the key of C. This means that the chords and notes played on a harmonica in the key of A will sound lower than those played on a harmonica in the key of C.

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How does a harmonica make a sound?

A harmonica makes a sound when air is blown or sucked through reeds that are attached to the holes on the instrument. Each reed vibrates at a specific frequency when air passes over it, producing a musical tone. The size and shape of the chambers inside the harmonica amplify and shape the sound.

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The range of frequency that humans can hear is typically from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. This range is referred to as the audible frequency range.

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An audio frequency is a frequency, or range of frequencies, of audible sound waves.

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Normal frequency range for amplitude modulation is 550kHz to 1610kHz

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Microwave light has a frequency range of approximately 300 MHz to 300 GHz.