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35.5 - 37.5 Degrees Celsius

Average temperature for Tympanic cavity.


- L.P.N.

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Q: What is normal range for a tympanic temperature?
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What is normal range for tympani temperature?

The normal range for tympanic temperature is typically between 96.4°F to 100.4°F (35.8°C to 38°C). It can vary slightly depending on the individual and the method of measurement used.

What is normal temperature for the tympanic cavity?

35.5 to 37.5 degrees Celsius ... is normal for tympanic temperature. The tympatic cavity is a small cavity surrounding the bones of the middle ear.

What is a aural temp and the normal range?

Temperature measured with the ear thermometer (tympanic membrane thermoemeter)

What is tympanic temperature?

Tympanic temperature is the body temperature measured using a special thermometer placed in the ear canal. It is a quick and non-invasive method of taking temperature that is often used in healthcare settings. The tympanic temperature is considered a close approximation to core body temperature.

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The normal temperature range for a puppy is between 100.5F and 102.5F.

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The normal temperature range for dogs is between 100.5F to 102.5F.

What is the normal temperature range for puppies?

The normal temperature range for puppies is between 100.5F to 102.5F.

Where is the tympanic site?

The tympanic site referring to temperature is located in the ear.

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The normal body temperature range for puppies is between 100.5F and 102.5F.

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The normal temperature range for a small dog is between 100.5F and 102.5F.