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Science and Technology change our way of thinking.We are thinking everything in a practically manner.we see in our surrounding many things which changes with advance technology like the best example of it is "Smart Classes" ,the small things such as blackboard,internet,search options etc.

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Q: What changes brought about science and technology?
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How are science and scientific knowledge and technology are related?

science creates knowledge, knowledge allows the creation of working technology, technology that works changes the world Without science, our "knowledge" would be filled with unreality and technology created from the errors would not work.

Three ways the technology has helped science?

1. Innovation in measurement instruments has helped science gain more accuracy.2. Technology brings science organization used in collection of data, separation of parts, identification of compounds, etc.3. Technology has also brought science improved safetyand effectiveness and efficacy of procedures.

What is technology science?

Science and Technology=Science and technology is a term of art used to encompass the relationship between science and technology. It frequently appears within titles of academic disciplines (science and technology studies) and government offices (Office of Science and Technology).=

What are the advantages and disadvantagesof science and technology?

Advantages of science are that it has made the way and standard of living better. We cannot make-out any disadvantages of science unless it is brought into any carelessness or mishandling by mankind (humans)

What is science and technology?

Science and Technology=Science and technology is a term of art used to encompass the relationship between science and technology. It frequently appears within titles of academic disciplines (science and technology studies) and government offices (Office of Science and Technology).=

Related questions

What did Christian missionaries bring to China?

They brought Christianity and knowledge of European science and technology, such as the clock.

What changes in modern-day living were brought about by science and technology?

Almost every element of your life has been improved because of modern science and technology. If you live in a comfortable home, are wearing clothes, sleep in a bed, use a shower, and are using a personal computer you are reaping the benefits of science and technology. Also, if you ever take any sort of medicine, it is a product of science and technology. Look around and almost everything is a product of science and/or technology.

Cite the benefits that science and technology has brought to man?


What changes has technology brought to the United States of America?


What are informatics?

Informatics is also known as computer science. Informatics is the study that shows us how people change technology and how technology changes people. Informatics is also known as computer science. Informatics is the study that shows us how people change technology and how technology changes people.


They brought Christianity and knowledge of European science and technology, such as the clock.

How are science and scientific knowledge and technology are related?

science creates knowledge, knowledge allows the creation of working technology, technology that works changes the world Without science, our "knowledge" would be filled with unreality and technology created from the errors would not work.

What changes has the technology brought in the family?

technology has brought more communication when the family is apart. or if a family member goes out of town, the computer or the phone is a great way to keep in contact with them .

What is the serious problem brought by the advancement in science and technology?

some people become lazy now than before because of technology

What has brought the greatest changes in the economy over the course of human history?

productive technology

Three ways the technology has helped science?

1. Innovation in measurement instruments has helped science gain more accuracy.2. Technology brings science organization used in collection of data, separation of parts, identification of compounds, etc.3. Technology has also brought science improved safetyand effectiveness and efficacy of procedures.

What two inventions did Christian missionaries bring to China?

They brought Christianity and knowledge of European science and technology, such as the clock.