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Quantitative and Qualitative. :)

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Q: What are the two types of observations that scientists can make?
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What are two ways that scientists make observations?

2 ways scientist make observations: recording information in an experiment examining something over time

What is the differences between the two types of observations?

Quantitative observations involve measurements or numerical data, while qualitative observations involve descriptions or characteristics that cannot be easily measured. Quantitative observations are more objective and can be analyzed statistically, while qualitative observations provide richer detail and insights but are more subjective.

How did they know that there was only two types of charges?

The observation of attraction between opposite charges and repulsion between like charges led to the conclusion that there are only two types of charges: positive and negative. Through experiments and observations, scientists determined that all electrical phenomena can be explained by the presence of these two types of charges.

What are two types of qualitative observations in chemistry?

Two types of qualitative observations in chemistry are color changes and precipitate formation. These observations do not involve numerical measurements but rely on characteristics such as color or appearance. They are useful in indicating chemical reactions or changes in a substance.

What are the two types of observations?

The two types of observations are qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative observations are descriptive and based on qualities, while quantitative observations involve measurements and numerical data.

Why might two scientists from two different hypothses based on the same observations?

An hypothesis consists of a group of propositions that collectively form an explanation for a set of observations. If the scientists disagree on the truth of one or more central propositions, they may end up with very different hypotheses to explain the same phenomena.

What two types of observations that can be used to indicate flow rate?

Two types of observations that can be used to indicate flow rate are the time taken for a certain volume of fluid to pass a point (time of travel) and the height of the fluid in a container (head or pressure measurement). These observations can help determine the flow rate of fluids in a system.

What are the two types of observation in scientific method?

Qualitative and Quantitative.

What are types of observations?

There are two main types of observations: qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative observations are descriptive and involve characteristics such as color, texture, or shape. Quantitative observations are measurable and involve numerical data such as size, weight, or temperature.

What are two observations scientists could make about the leafcells and chloroplasts shown?

Scientists could observe that the leaf cells have a large number of chloroplasts, indicating their role in photosynthesis. Additionally, they could note the green color of the chloroplasts due to the presence of chlorophyll, the pigment responsible for capturing light energy.

What two types of age does the law of superposition give you?

The two types of age that the law of superposition gives you are relative and absolute. These findings are always based on observations of the natural history of the rocks.

Would some scientists like to make two kingdoms for fungi?

This anwser is false. The reason why is because scientists want to make two kingdoms of Monera not two kingdoms of fungi