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A forensic scientist must be skilled in applying the principles and techniques of the physical and natural sciences to the analysis of the many types of evidence that may be recovered during a criminal investigation. They may also provide expert court testimony. They also participate in trainning law enforcement personnel in the proper recognition, collection, and preservation of physical evidence !

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Q: What are the three major functions of a forensic scientist?
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What three tasks or responsibilities does a forensic scientist have?

A forensic scientist has more than three tasks or responsibilities. The main areas are drugs and toxicology, Biology, and chemistry.

What kind of school you have to attend to be a forensic scientist?

To become a forensic scientist, you typically need to earn at least a bachelor's degree in forensic science, chemistry, biology, or a related field. Many forensic scientists also pursue advanced degrees such as a master's or Ph.D. for more specialized roles in the field. It's important to attend a school with a strong science program and relevant coursework for forensic science.

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What does a forensic scientist does?

A forensic scientist is a scientist who analyzes biological, chemical, or physical samples taken into evidence during a criminal investigation. It's their work to provide the proof the police need to bring the case to court. Also Forensic scientists examine contact trace materials associated with crimes in order to provide evidence for criminal investigations. The work is usually dealt with under three sections: Biology, chemistry and drugs/toxicology. They can use parts of the victim's body, usually the bones, to identify: the cause of death; the gender, ethnicity, age, height of the victim; and, how long the victim has been dead. The clothes that forensic scientist wear is a plastic white suit and a plastic white shoes which like a shopping bag.

What are the three major functions of early Hinduism?

They are dedicated,They love all.They are based on truth.

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The three major areas of the brain are the cerebrum, responsible for higher brain functions such as thinking and voluntary movement; the cerebellum, responsible for coordination and balance; and the brainstem, which controls basic life functions such as breathing and heart rate.

What is a forensic scientists?

A forensic scientist is a scientist who analyzes biological, chemical, or physical samples taken into evidence during a criminal investigation. It's their work to provide the proof the police need to bring the case to court.Also Forensic scientists examine contact trace materials associated with crimes in order to provide evidence for criminal investigations. The work is usually dealt with under three sections: biology, chemistry and drugs/toxicology.They can use parts of the victim's body, usually the bones, to identify: the cause of death; the gender, ethnicity, age, height of the victim; and, how long the victim has been dead.Read more:What_does_a_forensic_scientist_do

What were the three major functions of early Hinduism religion?

They are dedicated.They are based on truth. They love all.

What three major functions of business organization can you enumerate and explain briefly?

finance, operation,marketing

What is the top salary for a forensic scientist in Georgia?

The top salary for a forensic scientist in Georgia can vary depending on experience, qualifications, and the specific employer. On average, forensic scientists in Georgia can earn between $60,000 to $90,000 per year. Some specialized roles or senior positions may offer salaries above this range.

What are the 3 major crime scene functions?

The three major crime scene functions are documenting the scene through notes, sketches, and photographs, collecting physical evidence, and conducting a thorough search of the area for any relevant clues. These functions are crucial for preserving the integrity of the crime scene and aiding in the investigation.