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The best way to illustrate the disadvantages of the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) over a conventional microscope might best be shown by a comparison. Imagine using a pair of field glasses to watch birds in a heavily wooded area. Now imagine watching those birds in the same area with an 8" reflecting telescope and a "big" eyepiece. You could be looking at a bird with the telescope and not know it because you wouldn't even be able to see the whole bird.

The STM can map a single atom on the surface of a sample with its probe, but it cannot show us the shape of a single celled animal because it is extremely powerful -- too powerful for that application. The microscope is something we can use all day to study tiny animals like, say, an amoeba.

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Q: What are the disadvantages of the scanning tunneling microscope as compared to a conventional microscope?
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It is a substance

What is the difference between object oriented testing and conventional testing?

Conventional testing is the traditional approach to testing mostly done when water fall life cycle is used for development, while object oriented testing is used when object oriented analysis and design is used for developing enterprise software. Conventional testing focuses more on decomposition and functional approaches as opposed to object oriented testing, which uses composition. The three levels of testing (system, integration, unit) used in conventional testing is not clearly defined when it comes to object oriented testing. The main reason for this is that OO development uses incremental approach, while traditional development follows a sequential approach. In terms of unit testing, object oriented testing looks at much smaller units compared to conventional testing

What are the different energy sources that are used to deliver energy to your community?

The energy sources that I am most excited about all have lower carbon emissions, compared to conventional energy sources. These include Biomass Energy, Wind Energy, Solar Energy, Geothermal Energy, and Hydroelectric Energy sources.

How can solar energy replace conventional sources of energy in various fields?

Solar energy is a renewable energy source. It is sourced from the sun, which in human timeframes has a long life for energy output. Solar energy is therefore an almost infinite energy source. Most convential energy sources (uranium, coal, oil, gas, etc.) are unrenewable. Such energy sources are sourced from the earth and so are finite. The timeframes for the "finite-ness" of conventional energy sources vary and are disputed. Conventional energy sources also produce negative by-products through their conversion to thermal energy, kinetic energy, and electric energy, such as radioactive waste, sulphur, CO2, etc. Solar energy is a clean (i.e. minimal negative by-products) but diffuse energy source. Current technology developed to capture solar energy is inefficient in capturing and concentrating the energy for distribution and use as thermal energy, and electrical energy, compared to conventional sources.

In an experiment what is the experimental data compared to?

In an experiment there is one thing that it is compared with experimental data. This is when the end results.The experiment data is compared to one thing. It is compared to the end results.

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