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Conversion from Fahrenheit to Celsius is done in three steps:

1. Subtract 32 from value in degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Multiply result of step 1 by 5.

3. Divide result of step 2 by 9.

Conversion formula: [°C] = ([°F] - 32) * 5 / 9 = (145 - 32) * 5 / 9 = 62.77 °C

Conversion from Fahrenheit to Kelvin is done in three steps:

1. Add 459.67 to value in degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Multiply result of step 1 by 5.

3. Divide result of step 2 by 9.

Conversion formula: [K] = ([°F] + 459.67) * 5 / 9 = (145 + 459.67) * 5 / 9 = 341.42K

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Q: What 145 degree Fahrenheit to degree Celsius and K?
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What is the unit of measurement for temperatures?

It is degree Celsius, or degree Fahrenheit, or degree Kelvin or Rankine

What units can you use to measure temperature on the moon?

Temperature is the head content of a matter. The temperature is measured in different scales and each scale has it uses and has originated for specific purposes. The well known measures of temperature are Fahrenheit and Celsius (or centigrade). Both Fahrenheit and Celsius are scaled between the freezing and boiling points of water. The freezing point of water is equal to 32 Fahrenheit and 0 Celsius and the boiling point is equal to 212 Fahrenheit and 100 Celsius. Another temperature scale is The Kelvin scale which has many applications in science and engineering. The start of the Kelvin scale (0 K) is the point of zero heat (no heat energy) which is equal to -273 Celsius.KelvinFahrenheitCelsiusIn degrees Kelvin, Celsius, or Fahrenheit.The most common unit for measuring temperature is degrees.

At what temperature - Fahrenheit and Celsius - does water freeze?

Water freezes at zero degrees celsius or 32 fahrenheit.

What does 100 Kelvin equal to in Fahrenheit?

Answer: 100 K = -173 C = -279.4 ºF The ratio of degrees between Kelvin and Celsius is 1:1, however the difference in the scale is 273 degrees. Example: The freezing point of water: 32 degrees Fahrenheit 0 degrees Celsius 273 degrees Kelvin The boiling point of water: 212 degrees Fahrenheit 100 degrees Celsius 373 degrees Kelvin To convert Kelvin to Celsius simply subtract 273 from the Kelvin temperature.

What temperatures are equal to 5 degrees celsius?

5 °C is equal to 278.15 K and 41°F (and also 500.67 Rankine).5 degrees Celsius = 41 degrees Fahrenheit.

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What temperature are equal to 15 k?

15 Kelvin (K) is equivalent to -258.15 degrees Celsius or -432.67 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the unit of measurement for temperatures?

It is degree Celsius, or degree Fahrenheit, or degree Kelvin or Rankine

How much is -218 Celsius?

Celsius can be converted both to Kelvin and Fahrenheit. If converted to Kelvin it is 55 K. If converted to Fahrenheit it is -360.4 degree fahrenheit.

How cold is-121C?

k-k-k-k-COLD!! -121 degree Celsius = -185.8 degree Fahrenheit Freezing temp of water is 0C or 32F

What is 273.15 Celsius?

273.15 Celsius is the equivalent of 0 degrees Celsius or the freezing point of water.

Why do celsius and Fahrenheit have degree symbol while kelvin has no?

Kelvin uses the letter K as its symbol.

What is the name of temperature?

There are 3 systems for expressing temperature: Fahrenheit (oF), Celsius (oC), and Kelvin (K) <- NOTICE no degree symbol. To convert between them: For Fahrenheit to Celsius: F = (9/5)C + 32 For Celsius to Fahrenheit: C = (F - 32)(5/9) For Kelvin <-> Celsius: K = C + 273; C = K - 273 (where 0 K = -273 oC, known as 'absolute 0')

1.0 k to Fahrenheit?

To convert 1.0 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit, you can use the formula: (Celsius × 9/5) + 32. Plugging in 1.0 for Celsius would give you: (1.0 × 9/5) + 32 = 33.8 degrees Fahrenheit.

What degrees are equal to 273 K in Celsius and Fahrenheit?

273 K is equal to 0 degrees Celsius and 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is -459 degrees Fahrenheit called?

-459 Degree Fahrenheit is referred to as the Absolute Zero. This is equal to 0 Kelvin (0 K) or -273.15 Deg Celsius.

What is 10 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit and Kelvin?

The conversion from degrees Celsius to Kelvin is: degrees C + 273.15 K Thus, 10 C equals 283.15 K (10 C + 273.15 K = 283.15 K) and 30 C equals 303.15 K (30 C + 273.15 K = 303.15 K). So the change in temperature when converted to the Kelvin system is 20 K (303.15 K - 283.15 K = 20 K).

If the temperature changes by K by how much does it change in degrees Celsius?

convert 68 fahrenheit to celsius. (celsius =(fehrenhit -32)/ 1.8)