I wonder why you didn't think of that. She felt a sense of wonder.
I often wonder whether I will always have something to wonder about, weatherwise.
There are lots of driftwood on this river, wonder if there's a lumber yard somewhere near.
I wonder who wrote the Book of Love. This garden path always awakens my sense of wonder.
I can give you several sentences.We passed each other in the hallway.She passed on the information to the right people.I wonder if I passed my test.
how to use inexplicable in three sentence's
I wonder how old he is. Do the stars make you wonder about the universe?
I often wonder whether I will always have something to wonder about, weatherwise.
I wonder what the capacity of that glass is
I gaze at the pasture, and wonder, Where am I?
The sense of wonder is immanent in the beauty of nature.
I wonder what compact means.And you can use this sentence with any word
Like this: I sure do wonder what a federarion is!
Please DO remember that you can use it in a sentence.
He loitered around the estate. I wonder if It helps!
The nouns in the sentence are: friends and wonder.
It is highly likely that we will always wonder what lords will desire next.
The asteroid passed overhead in all it's glory and wonder. Will that do?