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29 degrees c

302 degrees k

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Q: The weather forecast calls for a temperature of 84 degrees F. What is the corresponding temperature in degrees Celsius in kelvins?
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What is the corresponding celsius scale temperature of ok kelvin scale temperature?

To convert a temperature from Kelvin to Celsius, you simply subtract 273.15 from the Kelvin temperature. For example, if a temperature is 0 Kelvin, the corresponding Celsius temperature would be -273.15 degrees Celsius.

What is coldest temperature mount everest has ever got two?

The coldest forecast summit temperature on Mount Everest was -41 degrees Celsius. On average, the summit is about -35 degrees Celsius.

Water freezes at 0 Celsius the weather forecast predicts a low temperature overnight of 5 Celsius How many more degrees will the temperature have to fall before the pond freezes?

The temperature will have to fall 5 more degrees to reach freezing point (0 Celsius).

What is the Fahrenheit temperature corresponding to 27 degrees Celsius and 212 Kelvin?

The Fahrenheit temperature corresponding to 27 degrees Celsius is approximately 80.6 degrees Fahrenheit. The Fahrenheit temperature corresponding to 212 Kelvin is approximately -76.07 degrees Fahrenheit.

If the temperature is currently 20 degrees Celsius and it decreases by 30 degrees what will the temperature be in Celsius?

If the temperature decreases by 30 degrees Celsius from 20 degrees Celsius, the new temperature will be -10 degrees Celsius.

Is there a corresponding 6.5 degrees Celsius temperature drop for each kilometer of altitude?

Yes, on average, the temperature decreases by about 6.5 degrees Celsius for every kilometer increase in altitude. This is known as the environmental lapse rate and is a general rule of thumb, although actual rates may vary due to factors like humidity and weather conditions.

If a temperature is 32 degrees Fahrenheit what is it in Celsius temperature?

Zero degrees Celsius.

If the temperature is 95 degrees Fahrenheit outside what is the temperature in degrees celsius?

35 degrees Celsius.

If a temperature is 32 degrees what is the celsius?

The temperature is 0 degrees Celsius.

What would be the temperature of ice in degrees Celsius?

The temperature of ice is 0 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, ice is in its solid form.

If c and f are the temperatures in degrees celsius and Fahrenheit then 9c 5f - 32 if the temperature is 25 celsius what is the corresponding temperature in degrees Fahrenheit?

The formula to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit is F = (C x 9/5) + 32. Plug in C = 25 into the formula to get: F = (25 x 9/5) + 32. Calculating this will give you the corresponding temperature in Fahrenheit.