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Q: Science helps people learn about the way the world works what is the the goal of technology?
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Related questions

What does science do for you?

Science helps you learn.

How do you trace the origin of science and technology?

To trace the origin of science and technology, you would need to research the history of science and technology to learn the origins of it.

What helps you learn science?

What helps you learn science is scientific information, presented in a clear, logical, and interesting manner.

How do science and technology depend upon each other?

Technology is the aftermath of the being of science. Without the science to learn about anything, how can there be ways to invent new technology.

How do scientists learn things with technology?

Because science involves technology and technology involves science. Without one of them, the other will be soo useless..

Does homework make you good at your science?

Homework helps you to learn science and remember what you've learned better.

What does technology do for society?

technology helps us in life to learn about society.

How are Science and Technology diferent?

science is just the knowledge of things and the preformance of experiments to learn these things. technology is applied science. it is building machines and stuff.

Explain two ways in which science is different from technology?

1. Science is researching things, and technology is the way we apply it in our lives. 2. Science is testing hypotheses, and technology is what we can make after we apply what we learn.

Science and technology a curse or blessing to human lifewhat is your opinion?

Science and technology are a blessing to human life. Without science and technology human life would not move forward or evolve. We would not learn or know anything about medicine or be able to learn new things.

Why you like science?

Science helps me learn about the world around me :D

What helps you learn?

What helps you learn science is scientific information, presented in a clear, logical, and interesting manner.