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you have to have 8 years of collage consisting of classes such as math bioligy science. you have to have a masters degree and so oneyou have to have 8 years of collage consisting of classes such as math bioligy science. you have to have a masters degree and so one

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Q: How many years of training do you need to become a forensic scientist?
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How many years does it take to be a forensic?

Becoming a forensic scientist typically requires a bachelor's degree, which takes about 4 years to complete. Additional training or certification in a specific area of forensics can take an additional 1-2 years. Overall, it can take around 4-6 years to become a fully qualified forensic scientist.

How does a forensic scientist make in a month?

The salary of a forensic scientist can vary depending on factors like experience, location, and employer. On average, a forensic scientist can make anywhere from $50,000 to $100,000 per year, which translates to roughly $4,000 to $8,300 per month.

What training do you need to have to be a forensic scientist?

well id go and du training at a hospital first and then muve on and du a few years at a police station xx

What is the possible career for forensic science?

forensic scientist, you could (with a few extra years of tertiary education) become a school teacher or even take your degree to a pHd level and become a professor

How long do you need to go to school to for a forensic scientist?

To be a forensic scientist, you have to stay in school for at least 7-8 years. But it dempends on what forensic school you attend.

How would you become a forensic scientist?

To become a Forensic scientist you must complete 6 years of college (a Masters degree). You should take at least 4 years with either a major in Chemistry, Biology,Physics, ect. You should take 2 years of maybe being an intern or going to a special forensic school. If you want to be a CSI forensic scientist then you must complete 8 years of college (so a masters degree and so on). You should also take some math classes, Chemistry, Biology, and English composition. You should also take some public speaking skills. or maybe some acting/ drama classes.

How many years of college do you need to become a forensic investigator?

Typically, a bachelor's degree in forensic science, criminal justice, or a related field is required to become a forensic investigator. This typically takes about 4 years to complete. Additional training or certification may also be necessary depending on the specific job requirements.

How many years of school are necessary to be a forensic scientist?

Forensic Technicians usually need at least a bachelor's degree (four years of school).

How much schooling is involved with becoming a forensic scientist?

Becoming a forensic scientist typically requires a bachelor's degree in a relevant field such as forensic science or biology. Some positions may require a master's degree or higher depending on the specialization. Additionally, ongoing training and professional development are important to stay current in the field.

What subjects should you chose for years 11 and 12 if you would like to become a forensic scientist?

And physics wouldn't hurt. Don't skimp on the math, either.

How do you become a forensic detective?

To become a forensic detective, you typically need a bachelor's degree in forensic science or a related field. Gain experience working in a forensic laboratory, law enforcement agency, or related setting. Additionally, you may need to complete on-the-job training or a certification program specific to forensic investigation.

How stressful is a forensic pathologists job?

Becoming a forensic pathologist is not easy.It takes a minimum of 13 years education and training after high school to become a forensic pathologist. It also takes a strong stomach because it can be a gruesome,smelly and disgusting job.