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At first glance they might be hard to distinguish, but on closer inspection you'll notice that lead is much heavier than aluminum. The density of those metals are 11.34 g\cm3 for lead and 2.7 g\cm3 for aluminum. In other words a cubic centimeter of lead weights 11.34 grams, while a cub. centimeter of aluminum only 2.7 grams. Aluminum is also harder than lead. Aluminum scores 2.75 in Mohs' hardness test, while lead scores only 1.5 (Graphite scores 1, Diamond scores 10). If you're still not sure you can try and melt both metals. The melting point for aluminum is 660.32 deg. Celsius (1220.50* F) while for lead it is only 327.46 deg. Celsius (621.43* F). In other words lead will melt in lower temperatures than aluminum. There are a lot of other differences but the ones i quoted are quite easy to verify using simple methods (scales, sharp nail and a gas cooker respectively). Also, if you happen to have a strong magnet at hand you can check their magnetic ordering. Aluminum is "paramagnetic" which means it is attracted by magnetic fields. Lead is "diamagnetic" - applying a magnetic field will not attract it (to be more precise, it will cause a repulsive effect but a very, very weak one - it cannot be observed in normal circumstances).

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Q: Can you tell difference between aluminum and lead?
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