You need to get a massage in pallet town from Blue's sister, Daisy, between 4:00 and 5:00 P.M
Pokemon X and Y are sold at MSRP of $39.99 (CAD)
Rock Smash is a TM in Pokémon X and Y and can be obtained from a lady near the Poké Center in Ambrette Town.
*Mew is not catchable in Pokemon x and y, but you can get him online from wondertrades and such. Mewtwo however, is catchable and you can find him in the cave in pokemon village.
The MSRP of Pokemon Y or X is $39.99 (CAD/USD)
Pokemon X and Y, which introduced 70 new Pokemon.
Yes You Can Get A Pikachu In Pokemon X and Y.
The Legendary Pokemon available in Pokemon X/Y are:Xerneas (X only)Yveltal (Y only)ArticunoZapdosMoltresMewtwoZygarde
Pokemon X and Y are sold at MSRP of $39.99 (CAD)
You can get the TM Rock Smash from a lady near the Poké Center in Ambrette Town.
Prof. Sycamore will give you the oval charm in Pokemon X and Y.
Pokemon capable of learning Psywave as an Egg Move in Pokemon X and Y are Latios (Pokemon) and Gastly (Pokemon).
Rock Smash is a TM in Pokémon X and Y and can be obtained from a lady near the Poké Center in Ambrette Town.
*Mew is not catchable in Pokemon x and y, but you can get him online from wondertrades and such. Mewtwo however, is catchable and you can find him in the cave in pokemon village.
I believe X is stronger, but Y looks cooler.
You can't a pokemon from x or y version into pokemon b,w,b2,w2 because mega evoulution,new pokemon and the new type, fairy,but you can put pokemon from b,w,b2,w2 into x and y using pokemon bank and pokemon transport
The MSRP of Pokemon Y or X is $39.99 (CAD/USD)