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apparently they have something against her skin color because in FMA it was more accurate like in the manga i guess everyone has their own style on how they draw or their just racist

--- Alternate Response --

Actually, due to the fact that Brotherhood closely follows the story of the Manga version of FMA, Rose having a darker skin tone is an inaccurate depiction of her original design, which is pale as it is in Brotherhood. Due to changes in the storyline, Rose's skin was altered to be darker in order to fit her role in the first series.

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Q: Why is Rose white in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood?
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Episode 30 is where Ed goes to Riza's house and she tells him about the Ishvallan war of extermination in FMA Brotherhood. Hopefully that's what you're looking for... :)

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The ISBN of The Brotherhood of the Rose is 0312106084.

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The Brotherhood of the Rose was created in 1984-05.

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The Brotherhood of the Rose has 353 pages.

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Brotherhood of the Rose - 1989 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:K-16 Iceland:16 USA:PG-13 West Germany:16

What is rose's last name in full metal alchemist?

rose but the e has an accent a-gou over it. Making it sound like rose-ay

Who does edward elric love winry or rose?

It's obviously winry!!!! because If you watch the second OVA, Edward is shown as a grandfather with three grandchildren. One of the children strikingly resembles Winry, so that means they did still end up with eah other, cause you see,there's no way for edward to have a grandchild that has greatly look's like winry if he and winry did not end up with each other! and infact he and rose does not suit each other!. there's no way for them to end up each other!!!! I 1,000,000,000 times love EdXWinry love team rather than EdXRose tandem!

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Brotherhood of the Rose

Why did Rose even show up in the Fullmetal Alchemist anime more than once even though in the manga she was a minor character?

I really don't have an exact answer for that... but if you read manga and watch an anime they turn out a little different. I use to read Death Note while watching the anime and I always used to get a little mad that the episode wasn't like the manga.