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As there is no absolute proof that aliens even exist nobody can be certain that they even have eyes, let alone the size or shape of their eyes. The idea of so-called 'greys' has become so popular that most alien descriptions are now based on the reported appearance of 'greys.'

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Q: Why does aliens have big eyes?
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Are Nicole Andersons eyes big or small?

Her eyes are big and cute

When did Willie 'Big Eyes' Smith die?

Willie 'Big Eyes' Smith died in 2011.

What color is Jaden Smith eyes?

They Are Deep Brown.

What color are Johnny Depps eyes?

gorgeous, eye catching ,stunning ,to die for brown

How do gooey aliens be born?

they be born in the aliens head.

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Do the Aliens in Aliens vs Predator have eyes?

no they don`t, they haven`t have eyes anytime, not in their own alien film either The Aliens had no eyes (but they do have eye sockets), and the Predators were technically advanced, but the Aliens still had two advantages. For one thing, since the Aliens had no eyes, the Predators' active camouflage (invisibility) was of no use. Also, the Aliens were cold-blooded and therefore invisible to the Predators' eyes which see infra red (heat) instead of ultra violet (light).

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About this big. *holds arms out*

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What does heptanocular mean?

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What does decanocular mean?

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What does duodecanocular mean?

Duodecanocular means having twelve eyes (i.e. some aliens or monsters have twelve eyes).

What does octonocular mean?

Octonocular means having eight eyes (i.e. some aliens or monsters have eight eyes).