If you mean that round, later triangle, advice in his chest, it is a so-called arc reactor. The round one was made with palladium (which in Iron Man 2 poisoned his body so he replaced it), the triangle one with an element that Tony "re-discovered" (I am not quite sure about the name though).
No iron man is still human the thing in his chest only stops him from dieing from his accident. the thing in his chest does not make his heartbeat it just protects it
something that helps his injured heart.
as big as a middle school-aged child
approx 4.25 inc or 114mm in diameter, chest, the one in his factory, unknow.
If you mean that round, later triangle, advice in his chest, it is a so-called arc reactor. The round one was made with palladium (which in Iron Man 2 poisoned his body so he replaced it), the triangle one with an element that Tony "re-discovered" (I am not quite sure about the name though).
The thing in his chest
A pacemaker
No iron man is still human the thing in his chest only stops him from dieing from his accident. the thing in his chest does not make his heartbeat it just protects it
something that helps his injured heart.
as big as a middle school-aged child
It is a miniaturized arc reactor. There is a big one in his factory.
Shrapnel reaching his heart in the first movie, and paladium in his heart (from his micro arc reactor in his chest) poisoned him and killing him, in Iron-Man 2.
texas iron triangle
Battle of the Iron Triangle happened on 1974-11-20.
approx 4.25 inc or 114mm in diameter, chest, the one in his factory, unknow.