kristen had an affair with the twilight director,who was married with kids and robert found out. but kristen realised she made a big mistake and went back to robert he accepted her but he really couldnt trust no more so he ended it and now they have gone there separete ways !
Kris and Robert Kardashian divorced in 1989. Like many couples, they simply grew apart. They remained friends until Robert Kardashian served on O.J. Simpson's defense team, after which the couple stopped speaking.
yes they broke up actually rob dumped krisrten
come on guys!open your eyes
first of all they are gonna play in breaking dawn and if they broke up how would thay play in breaking?and theyre already making breaking dawn and rob and Kristen r playing it!!!
second of magazines always lie
and if they really broke up it was just a little break up!everyone breaks up sometimes even our parents and im sure that Robert and Kristen r gonna make up very soon!
ACTUALLY, they are not getting married, that was a publicity stunt, Rob was talking to a reporter, and out of the blue, FAKELY, and JOKINGLY proposed to Kristen. It was fake, there not getting married. AND Kristen is not pregnant, that was just a false rumor. It's not true.
They didn't break up OKKKK!!!! There in love with each other OMG!!! and yes they are not getting married Robert was joking with a reporter. But are deeply in love with each other and are NOT BREAKING UP!!!!!!!!
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are together. They have been dating for 4-5 years, though they never confirmed it. When they started shooting twilight Kristen already had a boyfriend but they broke up after twilight and so Robert and Kristen having been going out since.
Kristen Stewart lives in California, LA, with Robert Pattinson.
no shes dating Robert Patterson
his favourite actress is Kristen Stewart, he said in an interview
Robert Allen Goldin, Kristen Marie Goldin,
Kristen Stewart.
No, because they never were going out together!
no they really are still so on. and its not Stewart its STEWART
they did but then they got back together and are now engaged
No. They have been dating for 4-5 years and have not broken up.
There were rumors that Kristen Stewart broke up with Robert Pattinson to be with Taylor Lautner, but these were never confirmed. Kristen and Robert's relationship ended due to her infidelity. Kristen and Taylor are just close friends.
i think they are ACTUALLY, they are not getting married, that was a publicity stunt, Rob was talking to a reporter, and out of the blue, FAKELY, and JOKINGLY proposed to Kristen. It was fake, there not getting married.
Well from what I have heard Krsiten did break up with her boyfriend! But unfortunatly not for Robert Pattinson. There have been some pictures that are FAKE that leeked out into the internet of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson in bed together! Robert has his shirt off but, you can't tell if Kristen does or not. P..S. Even though this does lt does look like it's real believe me it isn't!!! It is way FAKE! Trust me!
no they have not :)
Robert girlfriend was Kristen Stewert but they broke up when Robert was filming a new movie! Kristen is very jelouse!
They are not married yet but they are engaged.
Yes, Kristen and Robert are dating. At first, Robert really liked Kristen but she was dating someone else. But once she split up with her former boyfriend, Robert and Kristen started dating. And they have been since late 2009, early 2010.
Robert Pattison and Kristen Stewart aren't dating. However rumour has it that they tried to go out but i dunno if it worked or not. Kristen has a boyfriend i fink Kristen and her bf broke up ages ago rob and Kristen are officialy going on now