Oh, dude, Judy Garland divorced Vincent because their marriage wasn't exactly a walk in the park. It's like, they just weren't vibing anymore, you know? Sometimes things just don't work out, and that's totally fine. Like, relationships can be a real rollercoaster, man.
To the very best of my research on both Garland and Minelli, the reason for the divorce was Judy's mood swings (unpredictable behavior) because of the pills she was taking. Vincent couldn't deal with it, and it was decided that Judy be the one to actually file for divorce for public image sake. A direct quote from Judy Garland:
"Vincente and I have come to the realization that we're happier apart. I'm sorry to say that, but it's true. We tried very hard to overcome the difficulties of incompatibility. But it just won't work."
Vincent Minnelli
On June 15, 1945
The Essential Judy Garland was created in 2006.
The cast of Judy Garland Spoke - 2010 includes: Ilan Kwittken as Judy Garland
Sidney Luft was Judy Garland's third husband.
Vincent Minnelli
On June 15, 1945
Probably because she fell in love with him.?
Vincent Minnelli married Judy Garland and was the father of Liza Minnelli.
The Judy Garland Show.
The Essential Judy Garland was created in 2006.
The cast of Judy Garland Spoke - 2010 includes: Ilan Kwittken as Judy Garland
Vincent Minnelli
Sidney Luft was Judy Garland's third husband.
When Judy Garland died she was 49 years old.
A wreath can be a garland; Judy Garland was a famous actress.
Judy Garland's real name is Frances Ethel Gumm.