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I would say Edward Elric. Kurosaki Ichigo (from Bleach) is only a deputy soal reaper who's task is to capture hollows. Edward Elric is not a hollow, so I guess Ichigo-kun's abilities will do no damage to Ed-kun.

You were right too guess.

Improvement: Before you ever answer a question make sure you know what your talking about. If you got too just the second season of bleach you would see him attacking Soul Society too rescue Rukia, he fights many shinigami and wins; shinigami not being hallow, secondly he has fought Ishida a few times who is HUMAN and I'm 100% sure that Edward Elric is Human. Correct me if I'm wrong. Now knowing that information sadly Edward would lose unless he learned how too transmute anything around him and himself(human transmutation) then he would have a higher chance of winning. So once again know your facts before you answer someones question. x) Hope I wasn't too mean on correcting you.

Sincerely -Grimm

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Maison Clemens

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Ichigo easily little difficultly

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Q: Who would win Edward Elric VS Kurosaki Ichigo?
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