Fulgencio Batista's birth name is Batista y Zaldvar, Fulgencio.
Fulgencio Obelmejias was born in 1953.
Fulgencio Aquino was born on 1915-01-01.
Fulgencio Coll Bucher was born on 1948-07-18.
Fulgencio Batista died on August 6, 1973 at the age of 72.
he has no gf
Fulgencio Batista's birth name is Batista y Zaldvar, Fulgencio.
Fulgencio Yegros died in 1821.
Fulgencio Yegros was born in 1780.
Don Fulgencio was created in 1950.
Fulgencio Zúñiga was born in 1977.
Fulgencio Berdugo died in 2003.
Fulgencio Berdugo was born in 1918.
Fulgencio Obelmejias was born in 1953.
Yes they are