Peter Cullen is the voice of Optimus Prime, in both the original Cartoons & the 2 recent movies.
Like the one by Michael Bay, Peter Cullen is the voice of Optimus Prime. Did you know that Peter Cullen is the voice of all of the Optimus Primes?
He is the voice of KARR and Optimus Prime in Transformers
Peter Cullen.
Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots
optimus prime...... Superman prime actually beats optimus prime, superman prime can survive a planetary explosion and a supernova what can optimus survive a nuke? And he's several times faster than the speed of light how fast s optimus p.? Superman prime due to being able to destroy universes.
The voice of Optimus Prime is Peter Cullen!
Like the one by Michael Bay, Peter Cullen is the voice of Optimus Prime. Did you know that Peter Cullen is the voice of all of the Optimus Primes?
The original voice of Optimus Prime from the 1980's cartoons is Peter Cullen
He is the voice of KARR and Optimus Prime in Transformers
A man named Mr. Stark who dresses up in a red suit voices Optimus Prime's voice sometimes used for Headhunterz.
Peter Cullen.
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optimus prime (weakest) super optimus prime power links optimus prime flight mode optimus prime fight mode optimus prime super powerlinks optimus prime omega optimus prime supream omega senenel optimus prime super omega optimus supream wing omega supream optimus prime super omega senenal optimus prime omega wing sentenell optimus prime super omega wing optimus prime super omega sentenell wing optimus prime optimus supream finle impact ultimtae optimus supream ultimtae optimus supream finle impact (strongest)
In 'The Chronicles of Narnia' film series Aslan is voiced by Liam Neeson whereas Peter Cullen voiced Optimus Prime in 'Transformers' .
Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots
Peter Cullen, a voice actor, was the voice of Optimus Prime in the 2007 movie Transformers.
optimus prime