The lead character who in the book is nameless and always referred to as the Time Traveller- we never learn his name. There are two future races- the intellectual Eloi and the heavy=duty and dangerous Morlocks- they are not really described as people . oddly the whole novel has a strong anti-social angle- stemming in part from its anonymous hero.
The hero- or lead character, is nameless in the tale,but is referred to always as the Time Traveller. I read this book when I was a kid and it shocked me. I wondered why Mr. Wells made his lead character anonymous. this is light-years removed from, say (Everyman) or (Lone Ranger) which had religious and western settings. It just struck me as strange. a good movie adaptation- that keeps the time travel angle secret until the last few minutes- is World Without End. it is very similar to Never So Few and rumor has it the Overlord ( or superintendent of the Aliens- who are really future earthlings!- mistress was- you guessed it... Gina Lollobrigida. she looks and talks like Gina and one character even makes a crack about her legs being bowlegged- later dredged up by Peter Lawford on the Johnny Carson show in l978. World Without end was made in l954 with Hugh Marlowe as the lead actor.
The Lead character is the nameless one-track Time Traveller. In one of the movies he is given a Germanic -sounding name.( Warner Bros one). Why Wells did this-I cannot figure out. It has overtones of fantasy and dreamtime- like the good-guy monsters in Wizard of Oz (scarecrow- etc) and closer to home The Lone Ranger. I don"t like it.
The Time Machine The Invisible Man War of the Worlds
Adventure never fails unless you stop exploring. or, Adventure goes on and on as long as you keep exploring.
The setting in the Time machine is in two main places. The story in the book is being told by the time traveller in his house parlour. The main bulk of where he is in the story however is around the Thames area of London in the year 802,701
Hg wells
John Delorean of the Delorean Motor Company or DMC invented the Delorean. If you look at the front of a Delorean it says DMC on the grille but many people get this confused with GMC. IT's DMC.
The Time Machine
The Time Machine was hard to control where in time it went. Everything flashed by too quickly.
The cannibalistic beasts in HG Wells' book "The Time Machine" are called Morlocks. They are a species that evolved underground in the distant future and prey on the Eloi, another species that lives above ground.
H.G. Wells' first novel was "The Time Machine," published in 1895. This science fiction classic follows the adventures of a time traveler who journeys far into the future.
H.G. Wells is the author of the book 'The Time Machine'. The novel was first published in 1895 and is considered one of the earliest works of science fiction literature.
As of yet, the time machine has not been created, however, HG Wells wrote a book about what it might be like to take one on a ride.
HG Wells had two brothers who teased him all the time.
If you mean the narrator then the name is not given other that he being referred to as the "Time Traveler" .
Let's see...a flux capacitor, huon particles, and nickel, ivory, and rock crystal.Sources: Back to the Future, Doctor Who, and The Time Machine by HG Wells.
The Time Machine , The Island of Doctor Moreau , The Invisible Man and The War of the Worlds .
The Time Machine The Invisible Man War of the Worlds