actually it is odette wakefield to you people she is pretty an As and Bs person in school shes nice loves the earth and i ain't telling you where she lives ha bye have a good day
Odette Brindis was born in Havana, in Cuba.
Odette Dinay died on October 24, 1963, in France.
Odette Barrois was born on November 27, 1925, in France.
Odette Barencey's birth name is Manuella Brant.
Odette Joyeux was born on December 5, 1914, in Paris, France.
Mary Odette's birth name is Odette Goimbault.
Odette Myrtil's birth name is Odette Quignard.
Odette Barrois's birth name is Odette Zigman.
Odette Annable's birth name is Odette Juliette Yustman.
Odette Talazac's birth name is Odette Pauline Talazac.
Odette Laure's birth name is Odette Yvonne Marie Dhomme.
Odette Hallowes's birth name is Odette Marie Cline Brailly.
The Name Odette mean's "Wealthy"
Odette Delacroix is 5'.
Odette Duriez was born in 1948.
Odette Herviaux was born in 1948.
Odette Terrade was born in 1949.