" Vanessa "
Vanessa Bristow is 165 cm.
Vanessa Chase's birth name is Oveross, Lara.
Vanessa Chiara's birth name is Vanessa Chiaravalloti.
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John Haremza has written: 'I'm going to the top' -- subject(s): Success
The address of the Haremza Foundation Inc is: 122 W 21St St, Bayonne, NJ 07002-1643
Vanessa Anne Hudgens
ANSWER: Vanessa Bryant was born Vanessa Cornejo Ubrieta.
Vanessa Who? Vanessa Hudgens? At Zac Efrons house.
Vanessa Dante is 5' 4".
is vanessa going to be my friend is vanessa going to be my friend
Vanessa Alfaro's birth name is Katherine Vanessa Alfaro Lehm.
" Vanessa "
Vanessa is a singer and actress
Vanessa's whole entire name is Vanessa Anne Hudgens. if you are wondering why i Know this is because i am Vanessa Anne Hudgens!
Vanessa's whole entire name is Vanessa Anne Hudgens. if you are wondering why i Know this is because i am Vanessa Anne Hudgens!