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I believe the Girl's name is Pikabellechu but she has the world's largest Pokemon collection

so im guessing she does

However i think (I'm not sure) it could be Satoshi Tajiri since he is the owner of Pokemon I'm guessing he owns everything Pokemon ever made

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Shane Hope

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4y ago

MeI have 1000 Pokemon cards

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Q: Who has the most Pokemon cards in the world?
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Do pokemon cards get stolen more than yugioh cards can?

There have been more Pokemon Cards stolen then Yugioh Cards. Most of the Pokemon cards were stolen in the 1990's when Pokemon was the most popular. Kids had trouble keeping their cards because so many other kids wanted them and would steal them. Pokemon was one of the most popular children's programs on TV from 1994 through 2001.

Who has the most Pokemon cards in barrie?

I Do

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Are you allowed to use Pokemon World Collection World Championships 2010 cards in a tournament?

you are aloud to use the Pokemon world collection world championships 2010 cards in a tournament. believe me i know ethreything there is to know about card games.

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there are only five in the world

Can you buy Pokemon Card in department store?

Yes, you can find Pokemon cards in most stores.

What is the most powerful Pokemon cards?

Shadow Lugia

What website has the most Pokemon cards on?

if you want to buy cards eBay is your best bet if you want to look at cards online search pokegym

Are there shadow Pokemon cards?

There is not shadow Pokemon card but there is dark Pokemon cards.