mew is the most powerful Pokemon dummy
actually your kinda dumb your self, mew isn't the best, mewtwo is even better. And anyone that knows anything about Pokemon knows that Arceus is the most powerful Pokemon, I mean being able to be any type of Pokemon is pretty awesome.
You cannot find Mew, Celebi, Jirachi and Deoxys in Pokémon Ruby. Mew, Celebi, Jirachi and Deoxys are event-only Pokémon. Jirachi was available on the pre-order disc for Pokémon Colosseum that would allow you to download Jirachi from the disc over to Pokémon Ruby.
It's usually a tie between jirachi and Mew since both are event exclusives that can't usually be obtained outside of giveaways, Jirachi can be obtained through some obscure Gamecube games but those games are hard to obtain and even harder to transfer pokemon from. Mew is not obtainable in any game but events for mew are alot more frequent.
It depends on the person. Jirachi is in Hoenn. Which means Emerald,Ruby,Sapphire,Etc. Same with Deoxys. I like Jirachi more personally. But hey, it's you opinion.
Mew is better because it can learn any move in any game. so pick mew.Watch Pokemon: The First Movie! A.S.A.PGo mew.
jirachi i got him maybbe celebi as if you have it you can get mew
You cannot find Mew, Celebi, Jirachi and Deoxys in Pokémon Ruby. Mew, Celebi, Jirachi and Deoxys are event-only Pokémon. Jirachi was available on the pre-order disc for Pokémon Colosseum that would allow you to download Jirachi from the disc over to Pokémon Ruby.
12ccl34799fgl is the code for mew or jirachi
You cannot catch Mew, Celebi or Mew in any Pokémon games however you would have been able to get Jirachi provided you had pre-ordered Pokémon Colosseum and received the pre-order bonus disc which would have allowed you to download Jirachi to either Pokémon Ruby or Pokémon Sapphire. Jirachi can also be obtained from early version of Pokemon Channel for the Gamecube upon completion of the main story.
I do it for mew or jirachi my fc is 1291 0256 3990
In an Event. The same way to get MEW and CELEBI
Raquazia The regies Kyoger Latios Mew Deoxys Latias Jirachi
groudon raqauza deoxys jirachi mew mewtwo
catching Deoxys Jirachi Ho-oh Lugia Mew the other lati
No is not, tokio mew mew is better than pretty cure
ho-oh,lugia,latios,latias,regirock,regice,registeel,kyogre,groudon,rayquaza,mew,jirachi,and deoxys. ho-oh,lugia,latios,latias,regirock,regice,registeel,kyogre,groudon,rayquaza,mew,jirachi,and deoxys.