

Best Answer

L'il Jinx (Archie Comics)

Lairon (Pokemon)

Lampent (Pokemon)

Lana Lang

Lance from Pokemon

Landorus (Pokemon)

Lanturn (Pokemon)

Lapras (Pokemon)

Larry the lobster from SpongeBob

Larvesta (Pokemon)

Larvitar (Pokemon)

Latias (Pokemon)

Latios (Pokemon)

Leafeon (Pokemon)

Leavanny (Pokemon)

Ledian (Pokemon)

Ledyba (Pokemon)



Lex Luthor

L from Death Note

Lickilicky (Pokemon)

Lickitung (Pokemon)

Liepard (Pokemon)

Lightning Lad (Legion of Super-Heroes)

Light Yagami from Death Note

Lileep (Pokemon)

Lil from rugrats

Lilligant (Pokemon)

Lillipup (Pokemon)


Linoone (Pokemon)

Linus (Peanuts)

Linus, the blanket wielding character from the Peanuts series

Lippy the Lion from Lippy the Lion & Hardy Har Har - Hanna Barbera

Lisa from The Simpsons

Lisa Simpson

Litleo (Pokemon)

Litwick (Pokemon)

Lois Griffin

Lois Lane (Comics)

Lola Bunny of Looney Toons

Lombre (Pokemon)

Lopunny (Pokemon)

Lotad (Pokemon)

Loudred (Pokemon)

Louie (Donald Duck's nephew)

Lowis Griffin from Family Guy

Lucario (Pokemon)

Lucky Luke

Lucy and Little Lotta

Lucy from Peanuts

Ludicolo (Pokemon)

Ludvig he was a violin playing egg in the seventies

Lugia (Pokemon)

Luigi from Super Mario Brothers

Lumineon (Pokemon)

Lunatone (Pokemon)

Luvdisc (Pokemon)

Luxio (Pokemon)

Luxray (Pokemon)

  • Lois Griffin
LILO, Lisa Simpson, Louie Duck, Lippy the Lion, Lex Luthor, Lurlene Lumpkin (Simpsons), Larry the Lamb, Lucky Luke, Little Lotta,
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9y ago
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17y ago

Lil Abner

Lu Lu



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15y ago

Linus from Peanuts

Light (Deathnote)

L (Deathnote)

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15y ago

luigi (off mario) lenny (simpsoms) L (Deathnote) leala (futurama) lilo (lilo and stich) lisa (simpsons) lickatounge (pokemon)

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14y ago

linus from Charlie Brown

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17y ago

Lionheart - a carebear

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16y ago

Lightening MacQueen

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Lisa from The Simpsons

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Q: Which cartoon characters begin with L?
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