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you go to viridian city in kanto and talk to this old man on a hill and he will give you the silver wing

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Q: Where you can find silver wing in Pokemon shiny gold?
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Is there any shiny Pokemon in emerald?

Yes, but like on gold/silver/crystal versions you have to find them randonmly. there are no gift shiny Pokemon like the red gyarados

Where can you get Pokemon in shiny gold?

1. if you want toplay shiny gold you must download it because it's a hacked game by Zel. 2. if you want an remake of gold/silver you have to wait till November 09 in japan i don't know for USA 3. the names of gold/silver remakes are called Pokemon shiny gold Pokemon soul silver Pokemon heart gold And shiny gold is not and real game its a hack of fire red 4. the magazine that says the gold/silver remake that's fake.

Is Pokemon Shiny Gold and Silver in stores now?

Not yet

How you get shiny Pokemon?

it is Almost imposible to get shiny Pokemon without cheating. When you walk in grass patch or a place where you can find Pokemon you have like a 1 out of 1,000,000,000 chance to find a shiny Pokemon. I think also, in Pokemon gold, silver, and crystal you catch a gyarados that has been turned red by team rocket.

What is the find rate of shiny Pokemon?

In all games save Gold and Silver, the shiny rate is 1/8192. If you are breeding Pokemon that are from a different country, it is 1/2096. If you are in Gold or Silver, it depends how you do it, and it's very complicated. If you chain, the rate increases exponentially.

Where to find phanpy in Pokemon shiny gold?

Phanpy are found in:Gold: Nowhere. You must trade from Silver of CrystalHeartGold: Route 45 and Mt. SilverPhanpy is not in Gold. Not in Gold!!

How do you get a shiny raikou in Pokemon White?

You transfer it from Heart Gold or Soul Silver.

How do you get the shiny rhyhorn in Pokemon gold?

You have to find them by chance. Walk around where they are and maybe you will find a shiny ryhorn.

What map do you find shiny Pokemon on Pokemon RPG?

shiny Pokemon are randomly found anywhere from generation 2 (gold/silver/crystal) and up instead of a wild Pokemon ie any time you see a wild Pokemon theres an insignificantly small chance that it will be shiny. short answer: anytime anyplace anywhere

How do you get to cerulean city in Pokemon shiny gold?

probably same as gold and silver or just wait til it comes out

Has Pokemon shiny gold beta 6 been released?

Pokemon Heart gold is to be released in the UK around December 2010. It is an upgraded version of the 9 year old Pokemon gold and is set to be one of the greatest Pokemon games ever with an estimated rating of 94%. Along with Heart gold will be Soul silver. These are the games official names not shiny gold and shiny silver. It will cost £30. Hope my answer helped! Well this is embarrassing... Shiny Gold is a Pokemon ROM hack... Not an actual game... To answer the question, yes. The final version, Pokemon ShinyGold X, has been released and is around...

What is Pokemon Shinygold?

Shinygold is a Pokemon hack that you can download on It is meant to be a Pokemon gold remake, but is obviously not a real game.