Waterfall pond on floors 6 thru 12
the hm Waterfall is needed to enter the dungeon
If you're talking about Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time or Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Darkness, you can recruit as many Pokemon as you want. If you are talking about Pokemon Mysatery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team or Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team, you can only recruit a certain number of Pokemon per friend area.
purity forest
You can recruit water Pokemon like squirtle and totodile in waterfall pond and stormy sea after you beat rayquyaza
It makes it easyer to recruit Pokemon but does not effect Pokemon on the never join list.
Manaphy isn't in this game he's in mystery dungeon explorers of Time & darkness or Sky
are you asking what is a recruit for Pokemon mystery dungeon? it's a Pokemon you can have on your team with you.
your mom and you
after credits
If you're talking about Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time or Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Darkness, you can recruit as many Pokemon as you want. If you are talking about Pokemon Mysatery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team or Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team, you can only recruit a certain number of Pokemon per friend area.
no srry
You can recruit it at Palkia's dungeon ( after azurill's nightmare)
Yes you can
nothing. you can recruit another pokemon. if you cant recruit it again your out of luck.
you recruit him by going to electric plateau