you find eevee in the hollow field map (you need to search for a while).
You can also find it a lot easier in route 29
The grass maps show shiny evee from time to time PS - message me my username is jessekwesi
You find him in map 18.
After you beat the elite four and get the national dex, you are able to get a eevee. There are two ways to get eevee 1. Go to bebes house (left of hearthome Pokemon center) and she'll give you a eevee level 5. 2. Answer both the guy in the Pokemon mansion and he'll tell you about a Pokemon he saw in his garden. It's rare he'll say a eevee but it's possible. (if he says eevee look in the corners of the trophy garden it's possible to find a eevee)
in all grass maps
# 163 is eevee. go to heartrome. the house to the right of the poke center is bebe's house. she will give you an eevee You need the National Dex First before you can get Eevee though.
The grass maps show shiny evee from time to time PS - message me my username is jessekwesi
there is no eevee :(
you will find feebas in the water of grass maps in pokemon vortex
i dunno if this is only in Pokemon gale of darkness but there is a sailor in the auto shop talk to him and he should ask you if you want to evovle your evee
You can't find Eevee in Pokemon Ruby, but you can trade for it from Fire Red, Leaf Green, and XD.
You don't. You have to trade an eevee to Pokemon Ruby to use one in the game.
Acshoin replay
just battle with a Pokemon
You can find eevee in Celadon City in Kanto as a Game Corner prize.
in kq
You find him in map 18.
you will find beldum in the cave