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Q: Where is the robot parts in the yellow avenger in SpongeBob SquarePants?
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Where are planktons missing robot parts in spongebob the yellow avenger?

the missing robot parts are in kelp forest

What year body parts are interchangeable on 97 dodge avenger?

all 97-2000 avenger body parts will fit. the 95-96 used different trunk, rear bumper, front bumper, and headlights, but everything else fits on a 97'+ avenger. also 95-99 Mitsubishi Eclipse doors are inter-changeable with an avenger, but you have to switch the window glass from the avenger into the Eclipse door.

What is the setting for the TV series SpongeBob SquarePants?

SpongeBob Squarepants is a cartoon, so it technically isn't filmed (unless you count the animation, then it is filmed mostly in South Korea) but it does have live-action parts which I believe are produced in California.

What is the sexual orientation of SpongeBob SquarePants?

The sexuality of Spongebob is not addressed in the series and the creators have said that they do not consider him gay, in fact, they consider him almost asexual, like a real sponge. This fits in with the fact that he has been depicted growing new body parts, as is appropriate for an asexual organism. Claims that he is gay have mostly come from those who oppose equality for gays in US law and society.

On SpongeBob SquarePants creaure from the krusty krab how do you fid all the car parts to level one diesel dreaming?

If it's for console games then just keep going through the garage doors then complete a challenge until you see a car part. If it's handheld ask again

How can you get other colors from primary colors?

By mixing the primary colours (Red, Yellow & Blue) together in varying amounts you achieve secondary and tertiary colours. 3 parts Red + 1 part Blue = Red-Purple 2 parts Red + 2 parts Blue = Purple 1 part Red + 3 parts Blue = Blue-Purple 3 parts Blue + 1 part Yellow = Blue-Green 2 parts Blue + 2 parts Yellow = Green 1 part Blue + 3 parts Yellow = Yellow-Green 3 parts Yellow + 1 part Red = Yellow-Orange 2 parts Yellow + 2 parts Red = Orange 1 part Yellow + 3 parts Red = Red Orange.

Can you put 1996 dodge avenger front end parts on a 1997 dodge avenger?

yes but you also have to change headlight assemblies also. not worth doing. just find a 97+ bumper.

What parts are needed for tune up on 2008 Dodge Avenger?

Depends on the mileage on the vehicle which you failed to list.

Why did SpongeBob die?

Although they are ending it with bionicle, they are replacing it with a new product. A main cause for this is because the parts needed are too expensive to produce.

Which colour is the result if you mix yellow and blue?

If you mix equal parts of the primary colors Yellow and Blue, you will get the secondary color Green. If you mix 2 parts Yellow and 1 part Blue, you will get the tertiary color Yellow-green. If you mix 2 parts Blue and 1 part Yellow, you will get the tertiary color Blue-green.

Which primary colors combine to make yellow orange?

If you wish to make a color called "yellow orange," first you must create orange by combining equal parts of red and yellow. Then, combine equal parts of yellow and orange to make your "yellow orange" color.

What do two primary colours mixed together make?

Any two (of the three) primary colours, when mixed in equal proportions, results in one of the (three) secondary colours. 2 parts red + 2 parts blue = purple 2 parts red + 2 parts yellow = orange 2 parts blue + 2 parts yellow = green Any two of the primary colours, when mixed in disproportionate amounts, results in one of the (six) tertiary colours. 2 parts red + 1 part blue = red-purple 1 part red + 2 parts blue = blue-purple 2 parts red + 1 part yellow = red-orange 1 part red + 2 parts yellow = yellow-orange 2 parts blue + 1 part yellow = blue-green 1 part blue + 2 parts yellow = yellow-green.