ish up yo bum around the corner into your intestines up out through yo mouth if you want to get it you need to get one friend to stick their hand up yo bum and another in yo mouth try it its quite easy
In the entire Pokemon Ranger game, there is only one Blaziken. On East Road, West of Fall City and South-East of the Krokka Tunnel, you will find that solitary Blaziken.
Blaziken has a full Fire PokePower and is quite difficult to capture. The Pokemon is quick and agile, charging into the capture line as soon as possible. I suggest you use Plusle or Minum's electric PokePower to paralyse Blaziken, then capture it.
The light house in Pokemon ranger is located in the waterfront of Fall City. turn right after you are at the tourist bureau and in a second or two you should see it. if you are looking for the basement of the lighthouse keep going straight at the tourist bureau and you should see a black hole in the ground go into the hole and you are in the basement.
Well, Pokemon Rangers are a type of trainer class in Pokemon Diamond. There are two on the southern part of Route 212.
Here they are:
Pokemon Ranger Jeffrey
Prinplupx2 - Lvl.21
Pokemon Ranger Allison
Aipom - Lvl.21
Marill - Lvl.21
There are also two on Route 225:
Pokemon Ranger Ashlee
Zigzagoon - Lvl.50
Skarmory - Lvl.56
Pokemon Ranger Dwayne
Donphan - Lvl.55
One on Route 227:
Pokemon Ranger Felicia
Lickitung - Lvl.57
Vigoroth - Lvl.57
Two on Route 228:
Pokemon Ranger Kyler
Exeggcute - Lvl.52
Ursaring - Lvl.58
Pokemon Ranger Krista
Trapinch - Lvl.54
Vibrava - Lvl.56
And finally one on Route 229:
Pokemon Ranger Deshawn
Spinda - Lvl.55
Kecleon - Lvl.55
Hope this helps!
After completing the whole game (yes, this includes both the Pokemon catching contests) you will get a phone call from the fat brown haired guy to meet on a beech. He will give you a manaphy egg to breed on the game. After the egg hatches, you will need two consoles to trade the egg onto Pokemon diamond. PS: TO GET THE MANAPHY EGG YOU WILL NEED A SPECIAL MISSION CODE. I CANNOT REMEMBER IT, BUT I AM SURE IT WILL BE ON THE INTERNET SOMEWHERE!
(This answer is based on the first edition of Pokémon ranger, not almia or the 3rd edition, and Pokémon Diamond version).
you need to get a staryu at south of town
The newest Pokemon ranger game is Pokemon ranger: Guardian Signs.
you can only get him in pokemon ranger
No. In Pokemon Ranger, Raner Net is there after you complete the game. For Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia, Ranger Net is already there at the start, but you need Wi-Fi to download new missions.
you need to get a staryu at south of town
The Lighthouse is in Olivine City.
that Pokemon is not in Pokemon ranger, Pokemon ranger shadows of almia, or Pokemon ranger guardian signs
Pokemon Ranger shadows of almia is a newer Pokemon ranger game
Pokemon Ranger was made before Regigigas, so there is no Regigigas on Pokemon Ranger.
There are 3 kinds of Pokemon Ranger games, the original Pokemon Ranger, POkemon Ranger:Shadows of Almia, and Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs. Hoped this helped!
You cant get Pokemon from Pokemon ranger to platinum!
There is no Feraligator in Pokemon Ranger.
Pokemon ranger 1
go to olivine city and so go into the lighthouse
The lighthouse is in Olivine City, where the gym leader Jasmine is.