On April 12, 1930, when he was 4 years old, he lived at 1110 East 165th Street, between Faile Street and Bryant Avenue, a block away from Westchester Avenue (near the present-day Sheridan Expressway), with his father Mannie, a tailor, and his mother Helen, and his 9 month old brother Julius. The family had a roomer too-- a college student named Bernie Siegel.
Former NFL tight end Tony Curtis is 34 years old (birthdate: February 11, 1983).US actor Tony Curtis (notably in Spartacus, Some Like it Hot) was 85 years old when he died on September 29, 2010. (born Bernard Schwartz, June 3, 1935)
Jamie Lee Curtis is a female. Known also as Lady Haden-Guest, she is an American actress and author. Her parents were famous movie stars, Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh and was born November 22, 1958.
Bernard Schwarz This is another person. I don't know what his real name is but Bernard Schwarz is were he was born
Curtis Sittenfeld was born in 1975.
Timothy Curtis was born in 1882.
Former NFL tight end Tony Curtis is 34 years old (birthdate: February 11, 1983).US actor Tony Curtis (notably in Spartacus, Some Like it Hot) was 85 years old when he died on September 29, 2010. (born Bernard Schwartz, June 3, 1935)
Tony Curtis was born on February 11, 1983.
Tony Curtis was born on February 11, 1983.
Curtis Lyons was born on March 10, 1979, in Bronx, New York, USA.
Tony Benatatos was born on February 13, 1979, in Bronx, New York, USA.
Tony DeFrancesco was born April 24, 1963, in Bronx, NY, USA.
Tony Mascia was born on August 22, 1933, in The Bronx, New York City, New York, USA.
Tony Geiss was born on November 16, 1924, in Bronx, New York City, New York, USA.
No, he was born in Florida, he went to college at the University of Florida then joined the cowboys. He never lived in the Bronx
Jamie Lee Curtis was born in Santa Monica, California.
she was born in the bronx, new york. (y) she lived and was born in bronx, new york Another answer Do you mean Anne Frank (no s)? If so, she was born in Frankfurt-am-Main (Germany) but moved to near Amsterdam (Holland), not in the Bronx
Jamie Lee Curtis is a female. Known also as Lady Haden-Guest, she is an American actress and author. Her parents were famous movie stars, Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh and was born November 22, 1958.