To get the Old Rod in Pokemon Blue you need to find a Fisherman NPC in Vermillion City he'll give you the Old Rod for free. There is another Fisherman in Fuchsia City who will give you the Good Rod. A Super Rod can be given to you from a Fisherman on Route 12.
12 years old in black 2 and white 2 meaning in the original version he is 10.
4 because the sell pokemon white and pokemon black and know they sell pokemon white 2 and pokemon black 2
No, Pokémon cannot walk with you in Pokémon White 2.
it evolves if you transfer it from Pokemon black or white to Pokemon black 2 or white 2
a girl with a umbrella in pink has gram 2 a old man has gram 3 he is by lavcunosa town 2
1) catch a magicarp with an old rod 2) evolve it. or catch 130 "gyrados" with a super rod at various locations.
There are four ways to get a Water-type Pokemon. 1. Choose Squirtle as your starter Pokemon. 2. Surf around on a body of water, which requires the HM Surf. 3. Use a Fishing Rod (Old Rod, Good Rod, Super Rod) 4. The President of Silph Co. will give you a Lapras when you rescue him.
If you are in pokemon black 2 or pokemon white 2, you can get zoraorak by evolving zoura at level 30, which can be obtained by the old team plasma members. however If you have pokemon black or pokemon white, You will have to trade or hack zoaroak into the game.
12 years old in black 2 and white 2 meaning in the original version he is 10.
after defeating the elite four/ champion, you need to go to Nuvema town, and talk to Cedric Juniper.
4 because the sell pokemon white and pokemon black and know they sell pokemon white 2 and pokemon black 2
there are two ways of getting a gyrados in Pokemon diamond: 1. you can use a super rod. can also use your old rod to catch a magikarp and then train it to level 20 or i think 22 so that it can evolve to a gyrados.
Gyrados same as any old game.
There are 300 Pokemon in the Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 Unova Pokedex.
Route 20 does not exist in Pokemon White, but does in Pokemon White 2.
Reshiram is not in Pokemon White you need to trade either with Pokemon Black or Pokemon White 2.