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At celadon game cormer

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โˆ™ 12y ago
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โˆ™ 13y ago

Dragonbreath isn't a TM…

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Q: Where can you get dragon breath in Pokemon FireRed?
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Where can you find TM Dragon Claw in Pokemon FireRed?

You can find TM Dragon Claw on Victory Road in Pokemon FireRed (Kanto).

Dragon pulse Pokemon FireRed?

not in fire red

Where are dragon claw in Pokemon FireRed?

It is in victory road.

How do you get your Charizard to learn Dragon Breath?

you can use a gameshark code . it enables to learn a Pokemon a move also dragonbreath is a TM try to find it in emerald/firered. or get a rayquaza that has outrage that is better.

Where do you find dragon breath in Pokemon emerald?

you dont get dragon breath the only thing close to that is dragon claw but dragon breath is a move learned by levelin up vibrava,onix,and steelix but those are the only ones i no

Where exactly is the dragon scale on pokemon firered?

the 7 island Pokemon tower owner may give you it.

What are the levels for Lances Pokemon in FireRed?

His Pokemon are all "Dragon" type and range from levels in the 60s to the 70s.

Where do you get a Dragon Scale in Pokemon Firered?

Bagon carry it on them. (5% chance though)

Where can you get dragon pulse in Pokemon FireRed?

You can't, it's only in the DS games.

How do you breed a horsea with aurora beam or dragon breath on Ruby Sapphire Emerald Leafgreen or Firered?

First get a female horsea, or any of its evolved forms, and a male in the dragon group that has aurora beam and/or dragon breath. The female determains what Pokemon is born and the male determains what moves, if any, it learns. It is like normal babies, in which you never know what you're gonna get in the end.

Who is the elite four in firered?

Lorelei- ice Pokemon Bruno- rock Pokemon Agatha- physic/ghost Pokemon Lance- Dragon Pokemon Last your rival Gary

What level does seadra evolve on pokemon firered?

give sedra a dragon scale and then trade it . it will be kindra when you trade it