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it was in 1961 when the first trip to the moon when coming back to earth they found a strange ship very speed cuting through space with glowing lights and another thing is that they have found crop circles that was one of the reasons why they went up into the moon

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Q: When were aliens discovered?
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How do gooey aliens be born?

they be born in the aliens head.

How many aliens do ben 10 ultimate alien have?

63 aliens.

What is the name of the aliens in Paint it White'?

The grey-white faceless aliens are called Pictorians.

Do aliens have weapons?


On Ben 10 is there a way to get 1000 aliens?

yes if you will master the watch you will10000 aliens not 1000

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Will Aliens Be Discovered?

There has been no evidence yet produced to support the claim aliens have been discovered. The USA have researched in space and have not reported anything. It has also been put forward that statistical aliens must exist. It is impossible to say whether something will be discover until it has been discovered.

Can you defeat an alien with mace?

As no aliens have been discovered it is impossible to say.

Do aliens exist or are they a Hollywood invention?

No they do not.There were once aliens in 1613 when doctor Reble Hound discovered them in the dark seas of Tinerstell

Do aliens have long arms and legs?

There is no concrete evidence to suggest what physical characteristics aliens may have. The depiction of aliens with long arms and legs is a common theme in popular culture, but it is purely speculative.

Samuel de Champlain's discoveries?

he discovered aliens in the earths core and f*** mountain.

How solar system affect your life?

it could affect us if aliens come to earth but i cant say anything couse aliens havent been discovered

Who discovered how to make a guitar?

the guitar was designed and first made by aliens that came down to earth

Has anybody seen aliens on the moon?

There is no verified evidence that extraterrestrial life has ever been discovered anywhere.

Are there aliens on the sun?

There are no aliens seen and I believe there are none. Don't you think clever human beings would have discovered them? I don't think any life form is on the sun what so ever!!!

Who discovered aliens?

Your ancestors and mine. It was not an idea, it was a reality, they were visited by these spacemen which could have been mistaken as "Gods" coming down from the heavens.

Why hasn't anyone been on the sun?

You can, actually. Astronauts have discovered a species of aliens on the Sun, but are trying to protect them from humans.