This must be a Brain Tree quest. Do the Esophagor quest 2 times (first time gives you when and second where the neopet died). Do the quest after you have accepted the Brain Tree quest. That should give you the answer. All of the neopets the Brain Tree asks about are all in his head.
Assuming this is a Brain Tree quest, in order to get the correct answer to this question, you must complete two esophagor quests. The quests will give you the time and place of where Ethel Jubjub died. Keep in mind, no user on neopets can answer this question, as the answers are completely random and chosen by Neopets Admin.
A Mynci is a species of Neopet that resembles a monkey.
Derek Dingle died in 2004.
Derek Stanford died in 2008.
Derek Whiteford died in 2002.
try the shopwizard try the shopwizard try the shopwizard
Assuming this is a Brain Tree quest, in order to get the correct answer to this question, you must complete two esophagor quests. The quests will give you the time and place of where Ethel Jubjub died. Keep in mind, no user on neopets can answer this question, as the answers are completely random and chosen by Neopets Admin.
Gorky's Zygotic Mynci ended in 2006.
Gorky's Zygotic Mynci was created in 1991.
A Mynci is a species of Neopet that resembles a monkey.
Died year: 33 bn Place of death is: The Lightning Swamp. :) Im Fallen131313 hope this helps!
Kevin mynci is another name for Kevin mincin, a reality television art department production assistant.
Derek Taylor died on 1997-09-08.
Derek Humble died in 1971.
Derek Senior died in 1988.
Derek Bowett died in 2009.
Derek Weiler died in 2009.