Patrick Swayze's birth name is Swayze, Patrick Wayne.
No Patrick Swayze did not have a beard.
Patrick Swayze went by Buddy.
patrick swayze's favorite color is black
Patrick Swayze was not in the Lords of Flatbush
Patrick Willis is straight.
Patrick Swayze's birth name is Swayze, Patrick Wayne.
He is heterosexual.
No, Patrick Swayze is not single.
No Patrick Swayze did not have a beard.
Patrick Swayze went by Buddy.
Bambi Swayze is Patrick Swayze's adopted sister
Darry is played by Patrick Swayze.
patrick swayze's favorite color is black
Patrick Swayze was 5' 10 inches tall.
Patrick Swayze was born on August 18, 1952.