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Sunday Homespun

b 1979

American Quarter Horse

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Q: What was the horse ridden by Kurt Russell in the 1993 movie Tombstone?
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Related questions

Was the mustache in the Movie tombstone worn by Kurt Russell his own?

Yes it was his real moustache.

What brand name cowboy boot did Kurt Russell wear in Tombstone movie?


What was the name of the horses in Tombstone movie?

Sunday Homespun, Quarter Horse Stallion, Hancock Foundation Bred

Did john Wayne own his horse?

yes john Wayne had his own horse named dollar

Who starred in the movie tombstone?

Kurt Russell starred as Wyatt Earp in the 1993 movie "Tombstone". Val Kilmer played his best friend Doc Holiday. A similar movie was made in 1994 entitled "Wyatt Earp" which starred Kevin Costner. but they were quite different movies, in perspective, and "Tombstone" was a much bigger hit at the box office.

Was tombstone movie shot in tombstone Arizona?


Stars of Tombstone movie in 1993?

Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, Sam Elliott, Bill Paxton, Powers Boothe, Michael Biehn, Charlton Heston, and Thomas Haden Church.

When was the first Tombstone movie made?


Who is Russell of the movie black widow?

Theresa Russell was in the movie Black Widow

In the movie Tombstone was cause it to boom?

In the movie as in real life, it was silver. The economy of Tombstone was based on mining, and a rich silver strike turned it into a boom town. When the silver was played out, Tombstone became a ghost town (complete with ghosts by some accounts).

Is there british actress named pamela Russell?

Yes She was Movie Actress My Aunt look after her in Hospital Stoke Mandevial in 50S . Her had Horse Rinding accident

Who was Wyatt Earp's friend in the movie Tombstone?

Doc Holliday.